News Centre

25 Aug 2009

CUHK ISEIS Students Win Best Student Paper Award in International Conference

25 Aug 2009

(From left) Miss Zhao Qing; Professor Lin Hui, Director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science; and Mr. Wu Lei

Miss ZHAO Qing and Mr. WU Lei, PhD students of the Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) received the best student paper award from the International Conference GeoInformatics 2009 in Washington DC, USA on 13 August.

Miss Zhao Qing’s paper presented her study on the monitoring of the ground surface subsidence with satellite radar remote sensing, which has been applied to the Hong Kong International Airport and cities in Zhujiang Delta region. Mr. Wu Lei investigated pedestrian evacuation behavior and proposed a simulation of such behavior with reference from personalized spatial cognitive road network and raster capable route finding algorithm. He has been collaborating with the Hong Kong Police Force to conduct research and provide advice on the management of large-scale outdoor events.

(From left) Miss Zhao Qing; Professor Lin Hui, Director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science; and Mr. Wu Lei

(From left) Miss Zhao Qing; Professor Lin Hui, Director, Institute of Space and Earth Information Science; and Mr. Wu Lei


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