News Centre
Two CUHK Staff Received HonoursUniversity Librarian Awarded Honorary Fellowship of HK Library AssociationHistory Professor Honoured with French Knighthood
Two outstanding members of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have recently received two prestigious awards respectively. Dr. Colin Storey, University Librarian, has been conferred a lifetime Honorary Fellowship of the Hong Kong Library Association (HKLA) for his distinguished contribution to the development of librarianship and to services to the profession in Hong Kong. Prof. Ho Pui-yin from the Department of History has been conferred the ‘Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques (Knighthood in the Order of Academic Palms) from the Ministry of Education of France in recognition of her distinguished contribution in higher education.
Dr. Colin Storey Awarded HKLA Honorary Fellowship
Dr. Colin Storey is only the fourth librarian to be awarded the HKLA Honorary Fellowship since the establishment of the Association in 1958. The award was presented by the current President of the HKLA, Mr. Peter Sidorko at the Association’s Annual General Meeting held recently.
Dr. Storey said, ‘It is often said by people in such a fortunate situation that recognition by one’s profession means more than any other award. I was deeply gratified to be nominated and to receive the recognition of my fellow librarians in Hong Kong. Not only am I blessed with the privilege of working with excellent colleagues in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, but I am also honoured to be among the ranks of Hong Kong library professionals with their strong dedication to serving the readers in all aspects of state-of-the-art information provision. The job of librarian is a perfect blend of the academic and the administrative. The profession attracts tolerant and thoughtful men and women. It has been a rare pleasure to have pursued a 40-year career as an academic library professional.’
After his first degree in Chinese Studies at Leeds University, England, in 1970, Dr. Colin Storey became a professional librarian and has since spent his whole career in academic libraries, initially in colleges and polytechnics in England. He maintained his interest in China by pursuing part-time research, resulting in an M.Phil. degree at the University of East Anglia on Shanghai politics, and finally a Ph.D. at the University of Hong Kong on information flow and freedom of information in libraries in mainland China, 1949 to 1989. In 1988, Dr. Storey achieved a long-standing ambition to work in China and took up a position in Hong Kong. He became the University Librarian of CUHK in October 2000. His professional interests include strategic management and organizational planning, quality in client services, staff development, freedom of information, intellectual property, and rare books.
The HKLA has served the cause of librarianship in Hong Kong since 1958. Comprising active members from all sectors and walks of life, it works to promote librarianship, offer opportunities for professional growth, networking, and community service.
Prof. Ho Pui-yin Honoured with French Knighthood
The Ordre des Palmes académiques (Order of Academic Palms) is conferred upon academics by the Ministry of Education of France. The prestigious award was presented to Prof. Ho Pui-yin by the Consul-General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, Mr. A. Barthélémy, representative of the French Government, at the French Residence in Hong Kong.
Professor Ho said, ‘It is my great honour to receive the Knight in the Order of Academic Palms from the French Government. My connection with France began in my university life. Thanks to a scholarship offered by the French Government, I was able to immerse myself in French historical research in Paris and studied the French Annales school. As a teacher at CUHK, I am privileged to work in a free and open environment that provides me with the opportunity to introduce to teachers and students new historical research trends and share with them my French experience. I believe that through learning other cultures, we can know more about our own cultures and make progress.’
Professor Ho is a social and economic historian who previously worked as a research consultant at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. She is a professor at the Department of History of CUHK and has authored numerous books and articles on Hong Kong and social and economic history of modern China. Her current research is mainly on the urbanization of modern-day Hong Kong.
Concurrently, she is Director of the Leung Po Chuen Research Centre for Hong Kong History and Humanities of CUHK; Director of the Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre of Shaw College and Member of the Board of Trustees of the same College; Chairman of Hong Kong War Memorial Pensions Advisory Committee of the Labour and Welfare Bureau; Non-executive Director of the Urban Renewal Authority; Member of the Antiquities Advisory Board of the Development Bureau; Member of the History Museum Advisory Panel and Museum Expert Adviser of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department; Expert Adviser of the Legislative Council Library; and Visiting Professor Chaire Dupront of Université Paris-Sorbonne.
The Ordre des Palmes académiques is an Order of Chivalry of France for academics and cultural and educational figures. Originally a decoration founded by Emperor Napoléon to honour eminent members of the University of Paris, it was established as an order on 4 October 1955 by President René Coty.

Prof. Ho Pui-yin (left) receives the award from Mr. A. Barthélémy, Consul-General of France in Hong Kong and Macau.

From left: Dr. John SY Lee, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, 2009-10; Prof. Frederick HM Cheung, Vice Chairman, Department of History, CUHK; Prof. Yip Hon-ming, Chairman, Department of History, CUHK; Prof. Ho Pui-yin; Ms. Wendy Lai, Senior Operations Manager, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business, CUHK; Mr. Juilien Chiaroni, Attaché Scientific and Academic Affairs.