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CUHK Response to New Measures in 2020 Policy Address
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) welcomes the proposal in the Policy Address to allocate HK$2 billion to launch a 5-year Global STEM Professorship Scheme to attract top research and development (R&D) talents from overseas to make contributions to innovation and technology (I&T) work in Hong Kong. The higher education institutions in Hong Kong are world-leading in many research fields and represent an enriching environment for rapid development in I&T. The proposed measure will help to attract global talents in the I&T sector to Hong Kong, strengthen development in these activities, promote international academic exchanges, and enhance the research reputation of the city.
The Policy Address also proposed joint establishment of a Shenzhen/Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Co-operation Zone (SITZ) in the Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Zone and in the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park (HSITP) at the Lok Ma Chau Loop. The governments of the two cities are actively investigating the possibility of allowing the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) to lease and manage specific areas of the Innovation and Technology Zone in Futian, Shenzhen, thus enabling institutes and enterprises that are interested in starting their business in the Greater Bay Area to establish a presence in the SITZ before the completion of the first batch of buildings in HSITP. Other proposals in the Policy Address include launching: (1) the Greater Bay Area Youth Employment Scheme with a provision of 2,000 places, including several hundred places set aside for the I&T sector; and (2) the Scheme of Young Entrepreneurship, to provide start-ups and supporting services to about 4,000 young people who intend to start their businesses in Hong Kong and Mainland cities of the Greater Bay Area.
CUHK believes that the above mentioned new policies will provide concrete and long term support for I&T development in Hong Kong, from research to translation and application. Active and efficient knowledge transfer will allow talented researchers to translate their research output to applications that will benefit the community. Relevant policies to provide additional employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for motivated and skilled young people who are committed to I&T development, will greatly enhance applied and translational research activities in the Greater Bay Area.