Newsletter No. 386
6 No. 386, 4.11.2011 人類學系轉贈學者藏書與圖書館 • Donation of Scholars’ Collection to the Library 大 學圖書館系統於 9月20日在崇基 學院牟路思怡圖書館舉 辦「香港中文大學人類 學系轉贈傅利曼教授伉 儷藏書典禮」,以答謝 人類學系轉贈藏書之美 意。典禮由校長沈祖堯 教授( 前排右四 )、人類 學系系主任張展鴻教授 ( 前排右二 )及大學圖書 館館長施達理博士( 前 排中 )主持。 莫里斯.傅利曼教授是 傑出漢學人類學家,1920 年生於英國倫敦的一個猶太人家庭,對東南亞地區的種族 關係,尤其是海外華人的家庭、婚姻、宗教和文化等,有獨 特的研究和理論,影響深遠。傅教授於1975年去世。2009 年,其妻子朱廸思.傑莫爾博士逝世,傅教授的學生Prof. Hugh Baker(中大東亞研究中心前主席)及傅氏伉儷的遺 產管理人Prof. Stephen Feuchtwang聯繫人類學系,討 論有關捐贈傅氏伉儷藏書事宜,人類學系復慷慨將該批寶 貴書籍轉贈給圖書館。 2010年12月,該批贈書合共三千四百多冊運抵圖書館,內 容廣泛,以社會學、人類學及漢學為主,逾一千八百冊入藏 於圖書館,其中四十九種為西文善本書,九十二種為著名學 者簽名本,餘下的複本則保存於人類學系。 T he donation ceremony for the Maurice and Judith Freedman Collection presented by the Anthropology Department, CUHK, was held at the Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library on 20 September by the University Library System to express gratitude to the Anthropology Department for their generous donation. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung ( 4th right , front row ), Vice- Chancellor of CUHK, Prof. Sidney Cheung ( 2nd right , front row ), chairman of the Anthropology Department, and Dr. Colin Storey ( centre , front row ), University Librarian, officiated at the ceremony. Professor Freedman (1920–75), a British scholar, was one of the world’s leading experts on Chinese anthropology. His interest in Chinese culture includes the family, marriage and kinship. He is best known for his study of lineages in Southern China. He died in 1975. After his wife (Dr. Judith Djmour, 1921–2009) passed away, his two students, Prof. Hugh Baker (former director, Centre for Asian Studies, CUHK) and Prof. Stephen Feuchtwang (the literary executor of the book collection), liaised with the CUHK Anthropology Department to discuss the donation of the late couple’s books to the department. The department then generously donated the collection to the Library. In December 2010, a total of over 3,400 books and journals arrived. Among them, 49 titles were western rare books and 92 titles were autographed and signed copies of prominent scholars. This is clearly a significant collection. Over 1,800 volumes have become valuable additions to the library collections. The rest are kept in the Anthropology Department. 校 園 消 息 CAMPUS NEWS 環境、能源及可持續發展研究所成立 • New Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability 環 境、能源及可持續發展研究所於10月22日舉行 成立典禮暨學術研討會,由香港特別行政區政府 環境局局長邱騰華先生、中大校長沈祖堯教授,以及中大 地理與資源管理學系教授兼研究所所長林健枝教授主禮; 並邀得美國國家海洋和大氣管理局地球物理流體動力學 實驗室氣候診斷項目首席科學家劉雅章教授,以及中國科 學院院士褚君浩教授發表演講,題目分別為「高分辨率數 值模型在氣候研究中的應用」及「光伏太陽能電池技術的 發展」。 研討會匯聚了本地大學多位學者,介紹他們在不同領域的 環境研究工作,分享獨到見解,議題包括污水處理、城市 規劃、熱帶氣旋分析、空氣質素、公共衞生,以及太陽能發 電等,吸引了近二百名參加者出席。 沈祖堯教授期望大學可匯聚各個相關領域的優勢,建立 協同效應,發揮重要的影響力,透過研究、 教育和知識轉移,為香港、內地以至國際間 帶來環境、能源和可持續發展方面的新啟 迪,裨益社會未來的可持續發展。 研究所所長林健枝教授表示:「研究所提供 一個理想平台,促進大學與全球策略夥伴的 合作,以發展研究項目和教學課程,並舉辦 國際會議與研討會,協助優化公共政策。」 中大協理副校長兼研究所副所長(行 政)馮通教授稱,研究所將融合 各學科領域的環境專業技術 及知識,從科學、社會、法 律、人文等跨學科角度,更 全面的討論環境議題。 T he opening ceremony and inaugural symposium of the Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES) was held on 22 October. Mr. Edward Yau Tang-wah, Secretary for the Environment, HKSAR Government; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; and Prof. Lam Kin- che, professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, and director of IEES, CUHK, officiated at the ceremony. Two keynote speakers, Prof. Lau Ngar-cheung Gabriel, lead scientist of the Climate Diagnostics Project at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Prof. Chu Junhao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave addresses on the ‘Applications of High- Resolution Numerical Models to Climate Research’ and ‘Development of Photovoltaic Solar Cells Technology’ respectively at the symposium. The inaugural symposium gathered scholars from various local universities to introduce their work and share their insights in various domains of environmental research, including waste water treatment, urban planning, analysis of tropical cyclones, air quality, public health and solar cell technology. The symposium drew about 200 participants to explore ways and direction in building a sustainable future. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung envisages the University can build synergy and generate a critical mass in relevant areas so that Hong Kong, mainland China and the world can be better informed and served on how a sustainable future can be built based on innovative and vigorous research, education and knowledge transfer in environment, energy and sustainability. ‘The institute will provide an ideal platform to foster collaboration with strategic global partners to develop joint research and teaching programmes, as well as to hold international conferences and symposia with a view to impacting on public policy,’ remarked Prof. Lam Kin-che. Prof. Fung Tung, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK, and associate director (administration) of the institute, said IEES will integrate environmental expertise in various fields to address the environmental issues thoroughly from multi-disciplinary perspectives such as scientific, social, legal, and humanistic. 左起:邱騰華先生、沈祖堯校長,以及林健枝教授 From left: Mr. Edward Yau Tang-wah, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, and Prof. Lam Kin-che 馮通教授 Prof. Fung Tung
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