
Limited library services starting 18 April 2020

17 Apr 2020
Opening hours: to reduce the risk from Covid-19, CUHK libraries are closed except:

•    Li Ping Medical Library (24/7 unstaffed)
•    Part of the University Library’s Learning Garden is open for CUHK students and staff (unstaffed, 10am-5pm, Mon-Fri & 10am-4pm, Sat, except public holidays). 
     •   Enter through the University Library After Hours Entrance.
     •   Bring your own devices when visiting the Learning Garden. 

Precautionary health measure: 
•    Users are required to wear a face mask before entering the Library via the After Hour Entrance. 
•    Seating is strategically arranged to maintain social distancing.
•    Group gatherings at tables is not permitted.

Book Retrieval Service:  to support learning and teaching, a book retrieval service is available for CUHK students and staff. Click here for details.

Automatic extension of loan period: For CUHK book that is due before 3 May 2020, the due date will be automatically extended to 4 May 2020 if it is not requested by other users.

•    Except for Course Reserve items and items that have been requested, all loans will be automatically renewed until the maximum loan period is reached.
•    Automatic-renewal does not apply to HKALL and ILL items as they are not CUHK items. Please renew these items online via your own account.

Overdue fines: except for Course Reserve items, all fines incurred from 29 Jan to 31 May 2020 will be waived. 

Course Reserves:
•    Overdue fines will be incurred on Course Reserves items if not returned according to the due date. 
•    CCL and NAL Course Reserves items without e-version can be accessed at the UL Course Reserves. 
•    Please return all Course Reserve items to the book drop of the University Library.

HKALL and ILL services are suspended during this period. However, eligible users can continue to request articles/book chapters through Document Delivery service.

Inter-Branch Book Delivery and Self-pickup Station on Campus are suspended during this period.

For enquiries, please contact us at