

30 Jun 2020 CUHK Vice-Chancellor and President Professor Rocky S. Tuan and Provost Professor Alan K.L. Chan’s Open Letter 16 Jun 2020 CU RElief Fund Creates More than 300 Job and Internship Opportunities and Calls for Continuous Support 29 May 2020 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Referencing Guidelines for Social and Non-academic Events during COVID-19 27 May 2020 Cohort policy for close contacts of suspected cases of COVID-19 infection in hostel 26 May 2020 Guidelines for Precautionary Measures for Face-to-Face MeetingsUniversity Summer Session 2019-20 26 May 2020 Guidelines for Precautionary Measures for Face-to-Face ExaminationsUniversity Summer Session 2019-20 15 May 2020 CUHK Announces Details of CU RElief Fund 28 Apr 2020 CUHK Announces Gradual Resumption of Services from 4 May 28 Apr 2020 CUHK Statement 24 Apr 2020 CUHK Continues to Adopt Flexible Work Arrangements During DSE Core Subject Exams 22 Apr 2020 CUHK Reopens Chung Chi College Entrance on Tai Po Road and No. 2 Bridge on 28 April 20 Apr 2020 CUHK Announces the Establishment of the CU RElief Fund 17 Apr 2020 Limited library services starting 18 April 2020 3 Apr 2020 CUHK presents the ‘Revisiting the Nobel Laureates Lectures’ 30 Mar 2020 Course-Taking Arrangements for CUHK Outgoing Exchange Students Returning to CUHKGuidelines for Postgraduate Students 30 Mar 2020 Course-Taking Arrangements for CUHK Outgoing Exchange Students Returning to CUHKGuidelines for Undergraduate Students 30 Mar 2020 CUHK Announces Enhanced Measures to Prevent Infection 28 Mar 2020 All CUHK Libraries Will be Temporarily Closed from 30 March 27 Mar 2020 CUHK Announces the Closing of Sports and Communal Facilities 26 Mar 2020 CUHK Announces the Extension of Online Teaching