JUPAS Hotline

FAQ - Admission: Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics (JS 4690) - 2020 Entry

Q1: How many students will be admitted into the Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics?
A1: The projected enrolment is 20 in 2020.

Q2: Can I apply for admission of the Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics with results in more than one sitting of the HKDSE exam?
A2: The Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics would consider the best subject results in the same subject taken by applicants in the three most recent attempts of the HKDSE examination.

Q3: Can I apply for admission on the strength of other qualifications?
A3: Students with other qualifications (for example, GCE-AL, IB, HKALE, Associate Degree/Higher Diploma) should apply for admission through the non-JUPAS admission scheme.

Q4: Will the Physics Department conduct any interviews for JUPAS applicants of Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics?
A4: Interviews are tentatively scheduled to be held in May 2020. The applicants who place Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics (JS4690) in their BAND A may be invited.

Q5: What are the minimum JUPAS admission requirements for Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics?
A5: The minimum JUPAS admission requirements are as follows:
Subject English
Mathematics Liberal
2nd Elective Subject
3 3 4 2 4 3

Q6: Will you weigh all HKDSE subjects equally?
A6: We will count the best 5 HKDSE subjects (after weighting) and good grades in Physics, M1/M2, and Mathematics will be an advantage!

The HKDSE subject weightings for admission to Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics are as follows:

Subject Physics Mathematics
and M1/M2
Subjects in
Category A*
Liberal Studies
and Others
Weighting Very High High Medium Low Very Low

* Category A subjects including: Biology, Chemistry, Combined Science, Economics, Geography, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Integrated Science, Technology and Living (Food Science & Technology).

Q7: What were the admission score of the most recent years?
A7: Admissions statistics are available online at: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm/jupas/admission-grades-2019.pdf

Q8: Will you give any bonus points to the additional HKDSE subjects?
A8: Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics would assign bonus points to the 6th and 7th subjects.

Q9: Are there any admission scholarships and grants for newly admitted students?
A9: The Department of Physics offers " Admission Scholarships" and "Undergraduate Research Experience Grant" (UREG) to newly admitted students covering JUPAS, Non-JUPAS, International and Mainland students with excellent entrance grades in public examinations. The details of PASs and UREG can be found online at: http://www.phy.cuhk.edu.hk/jupas/index6.html

Q10: Can a broad-based physics major student transfer to the Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics?
A10: A broad-based physics major student (admitted in or after 2015) may apply to transfer to the Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics if his/her major GPA satisfies the required level.

Q11: Besides Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics, can I declare some other streams?
A11: Please refer to this link.

Q12: Can I take double major?
A12: Please refer to this link.
(For University's Double Major Policies, please refer to the Academic Quality Section website)

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