JUPAS Hotline

FAQ - Double Majors

Q1: Can I do double-major at CUHK?
A1: Yes in principle, if a student could complete the major requirements of a second major in addition to the student's first major by the time of graduation. It is difficult in practice, however, as each major asks for a good number of units and there are additional required courses set by the University and the College.

Q2: I am talented in Physics and want to do a double-major with a related science subject. Is there a path to do that?
A2: The newly introduced Physics-X Streamlined Path provides a way for students to pursue a double major in Physics and a second discipline in either Mathematics or Earth System Science within the nominal period of study while maintaining academic rigor.

Q3: How could it be possible?
A3: The Physics-X Streamlined Path maintains academic rigor through careful merging of major requirements and partial removal of courses which are common to both majors. Nonetheless, students are expected to work hard and may need to take courses in summer sessions.

Q4: What is the rationale behind introducing the Physics-X Streamlined Path?
A4: Scientific research has become increasingly interdisciplinary nowadays. The Physics-X Streamlined Path prepares students to carry out cutting edge research at the interface of two closely related disciplines.

Q5: Whom is Physics-X Streamlined Path designed for?
A5: It is especially suitable for academically-strong students who want to have an intellectually stimulating and rewarding undergraduate experience. Students in the Physics-X Streamlined Path must choose Physics as their first major. Students should discuss with academic advisor and/or the Streamlined Path Tutor (Dr. Alvin H. T. Leung) on their suitability and planning before joining the Path.

Q6: What are Highlights of the Physics-X Streamlined Path?
  • Rigorous foundation in physics and one more scientific discipline
  • Opportunity to engage in knowledge transfer through interdisciplinary research projects
  • Flexibility in future research directions
Q7: How could I start my journey on the Physics-X Streamlined Path?
A7: Please consult Dr. Alvin Leung (htaleung@cuhk.edu.hk) or Prof. M. C. Chu (mcchu@phy.cuhk.edu.hk) who will give you helpful advice on how to embark on the journey.

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