Postgraduate, Researcher and Faculty Workshops

Postgraduate, Researcher and Faculty Workshops 研究生及教研人員講座

Workshops and talks on literature review, strategies for publishing in academic journals, research alert, citation management, researcher identifier creating and research impact showcasing are provided to CUHK postgraduates, researchers and faculty members during the academic year. Attendance proof may be issued on request. In addition, discussion workshops for postgraduate studies, including successful presentations, thesis writing tips and scientific writing are also organized.


Research Skills Workshops Series (Feb 2021)





Program : Sharpening Your Research Skills
Finding Theses and Dissertations in Your Research Area

This workshop will demonstrate how to locate theses and dissertations from universities in Hong Kong, China and other countries.

3 Feb 2021 (Wed) 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Completed
Exploring Research Information in Your Field in Citation Databases

This workshop will demonstrate:

  • How to use Web of Science Core Collection Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index )and Scopus to discover research information (journal and book articles, and conference papers) in your research field
  • How to search with topic, keywords, author, author identifier, etc.
18 Feb 2021 (Thu) 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Completed

Venue: Online Workshops

Medium of Instruction: Cantonese (English might be used if users require.)

Enquiries: Email to


Researcher Workshops (Jan - Apr 2021)

The Read & Publish Author Training by Cambridge University Press and Publish & Read Onboarding Session by Karger Publishers are opened for registration now.
Other workshops are opened for registration on 11 Jan 2021.





Read & Publish Author Training by Cambridge University Press

Guest Speaker: Caroline Kerbyson, Training Manager, Cambridge University Press

You can publish your articles in Cambridge University Press Open Access journals for free. This session will look at the following topics with time for Q&A at the end:

  • Manuscript submission process
  • The publishing agreement and Creative Common license options
  • The procedures to claim Article Processing Charge waivers

The session is also opened for researchers from other JULAC libraries.

Zoom details will be provided by the publisher after registration.

19 Jan 2021
4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Completed
Online Workshop Recording
Publish & Read Onboarding Session by Karger Publishers

Guest Speakers: Karger Editorial Staff and Tony O'Rourke, Vice-President of ENAGO

You can publish your articles in Karger Open Access journals for free. This session will look at the following topics with time for Q&A at the end:

  • Introduction to Open Access
  • Open Access and Open Science
  • How to make the most of Karger Publish and Read (claiming of APC waivers)

The session is also opened for non-CUHK researchers.

The Gotomeeting webinar link will be provided by the publisher after registration.

27 Jan 2021
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Completed
Online Workshop Recording
Understanding Open Access Publishing

The workshop will cover:

  • What is open access and its implication on research impact
  • Different types of open access and their archiving policies
  • Points to consider when publishing in open access journals
  • Open Access publishing opportunities with the CUHK's Transformative Agreement
26 Feb 2021
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Completed
Online Workshop Recording
Using ORCID to connect your research activities

An ORCID ID is a persistent digital identifier to disambiguate yourself in the research community so that you can be identified uniquely in the sea of researchers and your research profile can be raised.
This workshop can help you to:

  • Understand the benefit of having an ORCID ID
  • Manage your research activities in your ORCID profile
  • Link up your ORCID profile to AIMS and Publon, and Scopus Author Profile
5 Mar 2021
3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Completed
Online Workshop Recording
Author Identifier: Making yourself distinguishable

An author ID is to distinguish yourself accurately in the research community from others with similar names so that your scholarly publications can be easily recognized.
This workshop will demonstrate:

  • What are ORCID iD, Publon, Scopus Author Profile, and Google Scholar Profile
  • How to record your research activities such as your publications and presentations in these systems
  • How to transfer information from these systems to AIMS
17 Mar 2021 (Wed)
Rescheduled to 26 Mar 2021 (Fri)
3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Click here to register
Using ATLAS.ti for Qualitative Data Analysis

This workshop will introduce how to use ATLAS.ti to conduct qualitative data analysis.
Participants will learn how to use ATLAS.ti to conduct:

  • Data description, such as creating codes, coding, using memo, and writing comments on your data
  • Data analysis and interpretation such as using the functions of hyperlink, network view, query tool, and co-occurrence to explore patterns
15 Apr 2021
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Click here to register

Venue: Online Workshops

Medium of Instruction: Cantonese (English might be used if users require.)

Enquiries: Email to


Digital Scholarship and Research Data Workshops (Jan - Apr 2021)





A Quick Glance of Online Text Analysing Tools

This online workshop will introduce the concept of text analysis and a few examples of text analysis tools. An online text analysing tool – Voyant Tools ( will be demonstrated to give handy results of textual materials, no matter they are in text file or online.

27 Jan 2021 (Wed) 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Completed

Understanding Research Data Management

Research data management refers to the collection, analysis, archive, sharing, and reuse of research data. This workshop will introduce the principles in managing data, the practice of managing and depositing research data. It will also emphasize how sharing and reuse of research data influence your research impact.

28 Jan 2021 (Thu) 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Completed

Research Data in the Big Data Era

In the big data era, data become a necessity for research. They are not only confined to an excel table, but also in many other forms. This workshop will introduce what data are, the roles of research data in the data life cycle, and what constitutes big data. It will also present the basic concepts of data science and data analytics.

2 Feb 2021 (Tue) 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Completed
Visualising Network Relationships with Gephi

Gephi is a free software for visualisation and exploration of graphs and networks. This workshop will demonstrate the use of the software in turning your data into network graphs to discover hidden message.

Participants can install Gephi 0.9.2 ( in their device.

23 Feb 2021 (Tue) 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Completed

Writing Data Management Plans with DMPTool

A data management plan (DMP) is a written document that outlines how research data are managed in a research project. Some funding agencies require researchers to prepare a DMP at the proposal preparation stage.  CUHK has been affiliated with DMPTool, on which templates of some popular funding agencies are also available. Besides introducing the rationale of having a DMP, this workshop will guide you to write a DMP with DMPTool.

10 Mar 2021 (Wed) 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Completed
Introduction to R for Statistical Analysis

Invited speaker: Prof. Michael Chan, Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK

R has become an increasingly popular tool for statistical analysis. This online workshop is targeted at students and faculty who are already familiar with well-known statistical software like SPSS and STATA, but would like to learn about or experience statistical analysis in the R environment. The workshop will introduce the R environment, cover the basic tasks such as data import (e.g. SPSS, Excel, csv), descriptive and inferential statistics, and visualization of data.

12 Mar 2021 (Fri) 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Introduction to ArcGIS and QGIS for Digital Scholarship Projects

The use of GIS software is effective in showcasing spatial-temporal relationships in research analysis.  This workshop will demonstrate the basic use of ArcGIS Pro and QGIS for spatial data display and perform simple spatial analysis.

Both ArcGIS Pro and QGIS is available for use at the workstations in DS Lab.  For home practice:

16 Mar 2021 (Tue) 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Completed
Basics of Data Mining with Weka (Hands-on)

Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks, including data preparation, classification, regression, clustering, and visualization. This workshop will introduce principles of machine learning and some basic techniques of data mining using Weka.


15 Apr 2021 (Thu) 11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Click here to register
Venue: Online
Medium of Instruction: Cantonese (English might be used if users require.)
Enquiries: Email to


NVivo Workshops (Mar 2021)




Guest Speaker


NVivo: Strategies to Advance Qualitative Data Analysis

With the latest version of NVivo, the advanced workshop will use research examples to illustrate features and functionalities to allow researchers to use an inductive or deductive approach to sources of data when analysing qualitative data. Coding allows us to formulate a framework or identify sources of evidence with respect to the approaches used. Categories emerge when individual coding is clustered into levels of sub-themes. To address research questions, researchers can further explore relationships between or within cases. The queries function in NVivo allows researchers to retrieve matrix results easily. In addition, NVivo also offers an alternative approach to textual script analysis that provides fresh scope from the sea of data such that this can provide an enlightened scope in addition to existing theories.

Demonstration will be conducted with the latest version in Windows.


  • Participants must have experience in using NVivo.
  • Interested participants are advised to have your own computer with new NVivo installed before attending the workshop. Participants are encouraged to use your own qualitative research project data in the session.
  • Priority of registration will be given to staff and postgraduates who have attended workshop on "NVivo 12: A Tool for Data Coding and Conceptual Building".
3 Mar 2021 (Wed) 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon Dr. Paula Hodgson Completed

Venue: Online Workshop

Language: English

Enquiries: Email to


Library Workshops for Research Postgraduates: Thesis Writing Tips (Jan 2021)

Capturing readers' interest and communicating the significance of your research effectively can be challenging tasks. Do you want to enhance your writing skills in doing so?
Co-organized with The Independent Learning Centre (ILC), the Library is pleased to offer discussion workshops for research postgraduate students on thesis writing (in Chinese), thesis introduction (in English) and thesis abstract (in English) in Jan 2021.







Structuring a Thesis Introduction: How to Get Readers Hooked at the Beginning

In this workshop, you will be introduced to steps for capturing your readers' interest in your research topic, appreciating the significance of your research and understanding your research purpose. Specific language features which are commonly seen in thesis introductions will be discussed and practiced during the workshop.

19 Jan 2021 (Tue) 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. English Dr. Yvonne Loong, Senior Lecturer, ILC Completed
Writing an Abstract for Your Thesis: How to Summarize Your Research in 500 Words

You will learn how to summarize the most important information in your research as well as describe the most significant contributions that your research has made in a concise, readable and impressive manner. Both the structure and language of the thesis abstracts will be discussed during the workshop.

25 Jan 2021 (Mon) 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. English Dr. Yvonne Loong, Senior Lecturer, ILC Completed
Intensive and Profound: Chinese Thesis Writing Skills

If the thesis is not written and formulated in the right way, its key ideas will not be able to be communicated effectively. In this workshop, you will study the good language features of a thesis written in Chinese and learn how to avoid the common errors. You will also be introduced to the skills and choice of words for stating your research and theorizing your arguments. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss how to write definitions for key terms, the introduction and the conclusion.

26 Jan 2021 (Tue) 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Cantonese supplemented with Putonghua Dr. Felix Chao, Senior Lecturer, ILC Completed

Venue: Online Workshops

Enquiries: Email to


Library Workshops for Research Postgraduates: Winning Academic Presentation Skills (Feb to Mar 2021)

The Library is pleased to offer in Feb to Mar 2021 the following three discussion workshops on presentation skills, and poster design and presentation that are co-organized with The Independent Learning Centre (ILC) for research postgraduate students.








Presentation Skills for Postgraduate Students

This workshop covers the essential strategies that will help you plan and deliver presentations that effectively convey your message at a conference, group meeting or any other research-related event. You will discuss the key steps of the development process and learn how to optimize the design and use of visual aids, as well as how to best present both quantitative and qualitative data. You will also explore various ways of preparing for and dealing with questions.

24 Feb 2021 (Wed) 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. English Dr. Stephan Stiller, Assistant Lecturer, ILC Completed
Poster Design and Presentation for Postgraduate Students

This workshop covers poster design essentials to help you effectively present your research, both visually and orally, at poster presentation sessions. Through discussions and the analysis of samples, you will learn how to select and organize the content of your poster, as well as how to best use it as a visual aid. You will also explore key strategies to deliver your poster presentation and deal with questions. Finally, you will learn key elements in writing a successful poster application abstract.

25 Feb 2021 (Thu) 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. English Dr. Stephan Stiller, Assistant Lecturer, ILC Completed
Fluent and Successful: Oral Presentation Skills in Chinese

In this workshop, you will learn about various types of oral presentations for academic purposes. You will discuss how to make the best use of the presentation format, and will examine the issues that you will need to pay attention to when presenting in Cantonese. You will also discuss the use of multimedia tools and how to deal with difficulties that you might experience during oral presentations.

8 Mar 2021 (Mon) 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Cantonese supplemented with Putonghua Dr. Felix Chao, Senior Lecturer, ILC Completed

Venue: Online via zoom

Enquiries: Email to


Research Postgraduate Workshops: Publishing Your Research (Apr 2021)

These online workshops for research postgraduates are co-organized by The Independent Learning Centre (ILC) and the Library in Apr 2021.





Guest Speaker


Constructing your research paper around an argument: A gateway to publication

One task of journal editors is to decide whether a submitted manuscript clearly argues how its research findings lead to a new understanding of a research topic. A "yes" increases a manuscript's chances of being peer reviewed. A "no" means the manuscript will probably be rejected. This workshop is broken into three main sections. The first section discusses the challenges to constructing well written midsection arguments. The second section describes a planning strategy for developing arguments in a research paper—reviewing your research topic, problem, and answer. The third section describes follow-up strategies for constructing your claims, reasons, evidence, and responses to alternative arguments. In addition, participants will be taken through a step-by-step analysis of selected arguments from a research paper.

21 Apr 2021
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. English Paul Nerney Click here to register
Constructing an Abstract for a Research Paper

Abstracts are summaries of research journal articles that are typically 100-200 words long. Their main goal is to suggest to potential readers that your paper's research findings match the reader's need to better understand the paper's research topic. This aim makes abstracts an integral part of disseminating your ideas to readers in your research community and beyond. This workshop is broken into two sections. The first section is a discussion built around questions that writers frequently ask about developing well written abstracts for research papers. The second section details and illustrates specific planning strategies for drafting and revising abstracts.

22 April 2021
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. English Paul Nerney Click here to register
Salient Features of (Publishable) Academic English

Tips on how to produce successful, i.e. publishable, research papers in English abound. The sheer number of tips can confuse writers hoping to break into publication. This workshop presents the most salient features of the language of publishable research papers. The goal is to help writers to identify these features and to understand how and why they work, so that they can replicate these features in their own writing. In this workshop, participants will analyse and discuss these features and learn with other writers who are working towards the same goal -- publication of their work.

23 Apr 2021
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. English Susan Lopez-Nerney Click here to register

Venue: Online via Zoom

Enquiries: Email to


Research Postgraduate Workshop: Oral Defence (Apr 2021)

The Library is pleased to offer this online workshop on oral defence that is co-organized with The Independent Learning Centre (ILC) for research postgraduate students on 20 April 2021.





Guest Speaker


Designing a Successful Oral Defence

This workshop for postgraduate students is designed to prepare participants for their oral defence. It familiarizes them with the common structure and expected content of the defence, and management of public self-presentation. Participants will be introduced to principles of presentation and notions of public persona. Two Q&A sessions will provide opportunities for participants to ask questions and receive feedback specific to their viva.

20 April 2021
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. English Dr. Maria Luisa C. Sadorra Click here to register

Venue: Online via Zoom

Enquiries: Email to


Improving Postgraduate Learning (IPL) Courses offered by Library

Observing Intellectual Property and Copyright Law during Research
Observing Intellectual Property and Copyright Law during Research On-line course available on Blackboard
Compulsory for ALL RESEARCH postgraduate students

Medium of Instruction: English

Details and registration:

Phone: 3943 6201


Request a Seminar

Course instructors and students in groups may request seminars for a particular subject area or a specific assignment at any time during the year. From the planning stage of a course or research project, Liaison Librarians with different subject backgrounds can work with you to strengthen research skills for gathering and managing scholarly information sources.

Please contact Research Services (for postgraduate training requirements) for details.