Open Positions

PhD and MPhil Positions

Our lab fosters an interdisciplinary research environment. We look for highly motivated applicants who want to understand the physics of living matter or have interest in applying the principles learned from living matter to address questions in non-equilibrium physics, active matter physics, pattern formation, and active/living materials engineering. Our research is mainly driven by experiments but often requires modeling or computer simulations. Candidates with either experimental or theoretical experience in any of the following areas (but not limited to these areas) are welcomed to apply: biophysics, condensed matter physics, soft matter physics, fluid mechanics, polymer science, quantitative biology, synthetic biology, physical chemistry, optics, and electronics. Interested applicants can send their CV to Dr. Yilin Wu: ylwu 'AT'

Postdoc Positions

Interested applicants can send their CV to Dr. Yilin Wu: ylwu 'AT'


The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong, China.