Group Meeting Schedule

Seminar, SC LG23, Sat 10:00am-12:00pm;  Journal Club, SC 139, Web 7:30pm-9:30pm


Research Topics (click titles for details):

Understanding and Withstanding Qubit Decoherence

Quantum theory of decoherence leads to surprising predictions and protection schemes of quantum coherence in noisy environments

Magnetometry: Toward Single-Molecule NMR and Single-Nucleus Sensing

Under many-pulse dynamical decoupling control, coherence a center electron spin is sensitive to the magnetic field noises from a single nuclear spin cluster, and ... ...

Fingerprint of a nuclear spin pair

Optical Effects of Spin Current

Spin current Ampere effect and the second-order nonlinear optical effect can be used to see a pure spin current where and when it flows

Quantum Computing by Optical control of Electron Spins

A blueprint of large-scale quantum computing based on optical control of electron spins makes a dream and calls for innovations

Measurement of  Spin Coherence

Noises are signals, higher order correlations reveal more -- go beyond Dissipation-Fluctuation Theorem.

Vacuum field can induce large optical nonlinearity, even in free space.

Novel Properties of Novel Matters

Novel physical effects in topological insulators

Simulating physical systems by atoms in lasers, especially those not available in conventional condensed matters


Scalable Quantum Computing with NV Centers in Diamond

NV center spins in diamond are wonderful (long coherence time and stability at room temperature). Can we make them more wonderful by scale them up for a large-scale quantum computer?


Optics of Semiconductors Driven by Strong THz field

Driven by a strong THz field (whose frequency is not high enough to cause interband transitions), the vacuum of a semiconductor is non-perturbatively modified. This leads to unexpected optical effects and novel electro-optical applications.

Research Grants

  1. The CUHK Focused Investments Scheme C, Jan 2011 - Dec 2012, PI. "Physical foundation of spin-based information technologies"

  2. Hong Kong RGC/General Research Fund, Sep 2010 -Aug 2013, PI. "Theory on atomic-scale magnetic resonance imaging of single nuclear-spin bonds using nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond"

  3. Overseas Outstanding Youth Fund, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Jan 2012 - Dec 2013, PI. "Theoretical and experimental research on integrating dynamical decoupling and optimal quantum gates"

  4. Hong Kong RGC/General Research Fund, Sep 2009 - Aug 2012, PI. "Theory of optimal control of quantum bits in interacting baths"

  5. Hong Kong RGC/Collaborative Research Fund, Mar 2009 - Feb 2012, CoI. "Nano-Spintronics -Quantum Control of Electron Spins in Semiconductors" (PC: Fuchun Zhang, University of Hong Kong).

  6. Hong Kong RGC/General Research Fund, Sep 2008 - Aug 2011, PI. "Non-perturbation theory of mesoscopic spin bath dynamics in the center-spin decoherence problem"

  7. Hong Kong RGC/Competitive Earmarked Research Grant, Sep 2007 -Aug 2010, PI. "Theory of monitoring electron spin decoherence in a quantum dot with frequent weak measurement using Faraday rotation"

  8. Hong Kong RGC/Competitive Earmarked Research Grant, Oct 2006 - Sep 2009, PI. "Correlated decoherence of interacting electron spins by nuclear spins in semiconductor quantum dots"


Last update: 13 April 2011


© R. B. Liu, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved.