1. 1. Ping Wang, Chong Chen, and Ren-Bao Liu, Chinese Physics Letters 38, 010301 (2021). Classical-Noise-Free Sensing Based on Quantum Correlation Measurement [PDF]

  2. Chon Fai Kam and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review A 101, 032318 (2020). Three-tangle of a general three-qubit state in the representation of Majorana stars

  3. Chong Chen, Liang Jin and Ren-Bao Liu, New Journal of Physics 21, 083002 (2019). Sensitivity of parameter estimation near the exceptional point of a non-Hermitian system

  4. Ping Wang, Chong Chen, Xinhua Peng, Jörg Wrachtrup, and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review Letters 123, 050603 (2019). Characterization of Arbitrary-Order Correlations in Quantum Baths by Weak Measurement

  5. Kangwei Xia, Chufeng Liu, Weng-Hang Leong, Man-Hin Kwok, Zhi-Yuan Yang, Xi Feng, Ren-Bao Liu, abd Quan Li, Nature Communications 10, 3259 (2019). Nanometer-precision non-local deformation reconstruction using nanodiamond sensing

  6. Gang-Qin Liu, Xi Feng, Ning Wang, Quan Li, and Ren-Bao Liu, Nature Communications 10, 1344 (2019). Coherent quantum control of nitrogen-vacancy center spins near 1000 kelvin

  7. Matthias Pfender, Ping Wang, Hitoshi Sumiya, Shinobu Onoda, Wen Yang, Durga Bhaktavatsala Rao Dasari, Philipp Neumann, Xin-Yu Pan, Junichi Isoya, Ren-Bao Liu, and Jörg Wrachtrup, Nature Communications 10, 594 (2019). High-resolution spectroscopy of single nuclear spins via sequential weak measurements

  8. Ting Zhang, Gang-Qin Liu, Weng-Hang Leong, Chu-Feng Liu, Man-Hin Kwok, To Ngai, Ren-Bao Liu, and Quan Li, Nature Communications 9, 3188 (2018).  Hybrid nanodiamond quantum sensors enabled by volume phase transitions of hydrogels

  9. Wen-Long Ma, Ping Wang, Weng-Hang Leong, and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review A 98, 012117 (2018).  Phase transitions in sequential weak measurements

  10. Ning Wang, Gang-Qin Liu, Weng-Hang Leong, Hualing Zeng, Xi Feng, Si-Hong Li, Florian Dolde, Helmut Fedder, Jörg Wrachtrup, Xiao-Dong Cui, Sen Yang, Quan Li, and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review X 8, 011042 (2018).  Magnetic Criticality Enhanced Hybrid Nanodiamond Thermometer under Ambient Conditions

  11. Hunter B. Banks, Qile Wu, Darren C. Valovcin, Shawn Mack, Arthur C. Gossard, Loren Pfeiffer, Ren-Bao Liu, and Mark S. Sherwin, Physical Review X 7, 041042 (2017).  Dynamical Birefringence: Electron-Hole Recollisions as Probes of Berry Curvature

  12.  Chon-Fai Kam and Ren-Bao Liu, Scientific Reports 7, 9756 (2017).  2+1 dimensional de Sitter universe emerging from the gauge structure of a nonlinear quantum system

  13. Gang-Qin Liu, Jian Xing, Wen-Long Ma, Ping Wang, Chang-Hao Li, Hoi Chun Po, Yu-Ran Zhang, Heng Fan, Ren-Bao Liu, and Xin-Yu Pan, Physical Review Letters 118, 150504 (2017). Single-Shot Readout of a Nuclear Spin Weakly Coupled to a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center at Room Temperature

  14. Wen-Long Ma and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review Applied 6, 054012 (2016). Proposal for Quantum Sensing Based on Two-Dimensional Dynamical Decoupling: NMR Correlation Spectroscopy of Single Molecules

  15. Wen Yang, Wen-Long Ma and Ren-Bao Liu, Reports on Progress in Physics 80, 016001 (2017). Quantum many-body theory for electron spin decoherence in nanoscale nuclear spin baths

  16. Wen-Long Ma and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review Applied 6, 024019 (2016). Angstrom-resolution magnetic resonance imaging of single molecules via wave-function fingerprints of nuclear spins

  17. Da-Wei Wang, Han Cai, Ren-Bao Liu, and M. O. Scully, Physical Review Letters 116, 220502 (2016). Mesoscopic Superposition States Generated by Synthetic Spin-Orbit Interaction in Fock-State Lattices

  18. Wen-Long Ma, Shu-Shen Li, Geng-Yu Cao, and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review Applied 5, 044016 (2016). Atomic-Scale Positioning of Single Spins via Multiple Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers

  19. J. E. Lang, R. B. Liu and T. S. Monteiro, Physical Review X 5, 041016 (2015). Dynamical-Decoupling-Based Quantum Sensing: Floquet Spectroscopy

  20. Bo-Bo Wei, Zhan-Feng Jiang and Ren-Bao Liu, Scienific Reports 5, 15077 (2015). Thermodynamic holography

  21. Wen-Long Ma, Gary Wolfowicz, Shu-Shen Li, John J. L. Morton, and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review B 92, 161403(R) (2015). classical nature of nuclear spin noise near clock transitions of Bi donors in silicon (Editor's Suggestion)

  22. Liang Jin, Matthias Pfender, Nabeel Aslam, Philipp Neumann, Sen Yang, Jörg Wrachtrup and Ren-Bao Liu, Nature Communications 6, 8251 (2015). Proposal for a room-temperature diamond maser (Highlighted by Nature Photonics; Experimentally demonstrated by Breeze et al, see News & Views)

  23. Da-Wei Wang, Han Cai, Luqi Yuan, Shi-Yao Zhu, and Ren-Bao Liu, Optica 2, 712 (2015). Topological phase transitions in superradiance lattices (Cover Story)

  24. Bo-Bo Wei, Christian Burk, Jörg Wrachtrup and Ren-Bao Liu, EPJ Quantum Technology 2, 18 (2015). Magnetic ordering of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond via resonator-mediated coupling

  25. Fan Yang & Ren-Bao Liu, Scientific Reports 5, 12109 (2015). Geometric diffusion of quantum trajectories

  26. Da-Wei Wang, Ren-Bao Liu, Shi-Yao Zhu, and Marlan O. Scully, Physical Review Letters 114, 043602 (2015). Superradiance Lattice

  27. Xinhua Peng, Hui Zhou, Bo-Bo Wei, Jiangyu Cui, Jiangfeng Du, and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review Letters 114, 010601 (2015). Experimental Observation of Lee-Yang Zeros (Editor's Suggestion, Highlight in Physics)

  28. Fan Yang and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review B 90, 245205 (2014). Nonlinear optical response induced by non-Abelian Berry curvature in time-reversal-invariant insulators

  29. J. A. Crosse, Xiaodong Xu, Mark S. Sherwin, and Ren-Bao Liu, Nature Communications 5, 4854 (2014). Theory of low-power ultra-broadband terahertz sideband generation in bi-layer graphene

  30. Wen-Long Ma, Gary Wolfowicz, Nan Zhao, Shu-Shen Li, John J.L. Morton, and Ren-Bao Liu, Nature Communications 5, 4822 (2014). Uncovering many-body correlations in nanoscale nuclear spin baths by central spin decoherence

  31. Bo-Bo Wei, Shao-Wen Chen, Hoi-Chun Po & Ren-Bao Liu, Scientific Reports 4, 5202 (2014). Phase transitions in the complex plane of physical parameters

  32. Fan Yang, Xiaodong Xu and Ren-Bao Liu, New Journal of Physics 16, 043014 (2014). Giant Faraday rotation induced by the Berry phase in bilayer graphene under strong terahertz fields

  33. Shao-Wen Chen & Ren-Bao Liu, Scientific Reports 4, 4695 (2014). Faraday rotation echo spectroscopy and detection of quantum fluctuations

  34. Zhiqin Chu, Silu Zhang, Bokai Zhang, Chunyuan Zhang, Chia-Yi Fang, Ivan Rehor, Petr Cigler, Huan-Cheng Chang, Ge Lin, Renbao Liu and Quan Li, Scientific Reports 4, 4495 (2014). Unambiguous observation of shape effects on cellular fate of nanoparticles

  35. J. A. Crosse and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review B 89, 121202(R) (2014). Quantum-coherence-induced second plateau in high-sideband generation

  36. Fazhan Shi, Xi Kong, Pengfei Wang, Fei Kong, Nan Zhao, Ren-Bao Liu and Jiangfeng Du, Nature Physics 10, 21 (2014). Sensing and atomic-scale structure analysis of single nuclear-spin clusters in diamond

  37. Hunter Banks, Ben Zaks, Fan Yang, Shawn Mack, Arthur C. Gossard, Ren-Bao Liu and Mark S. Sherwin, Physical Review Letters 111 , 267402 (2013). Terahertz electron-hole recollisions in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells: Robustness to scattering by optical phonons and thermal fluctuations

  38. Fan Yang and Ren-Bao Liu, New Journal of Physics 15, 115005 (2013). Berry phases of quantum trajectories of optically excited electron–hole pairs in semiconductors under strong terahertz fields

  39. Xiao-Tao Xie, Bang-Fen Zhu and Ren-Bao Liu, New Journal of Physics 15, 105015 (2013). Effects of excitation frequency on high-order terahertz sideband generation in semiconductors

  40. Gang-Qin Liu, Hoi Chun Po, Jiangfeng Du, Ren-Bao Liu, and Xin-Yu Pan, Nature Communications 4, 2254 (2013). Noise-resilient quantum evolution steered by dynamical decoupling

  41. Shao-Wen Chen, Zhan-Feng Jiang and Ren-Bao Liu, New Journal of Physics 15, 043032 (2013). Quantum criticality at high temperature revealed by spin echo

  42. Zhen-Yu Wang and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review A 87, 042319 (2013). No-go theorems and optimization of dynamical decoupling against noise with soft cutoff

  43. Bo-Bo Wei & R. B. Liu, Physical Review Letters 109, 185701 (2012). Lee-Yang Zeros and Critical Times in Decoherence of a Probe Spin Coupled to a Bath

  44. Nan Zhao, Jan Honert, Bernhard Schmid, Michael Klas, Junichi Isoya, Matthew Markham, Daniel Twitchen, Fedor Jelezko, Ren-Bao Liu, Helmut Fedder & Jörg Wrachtrup, Nature Nanotechnology 7, 657 (2012). Sensing single remote nuclear spins

  45. Jing Wang, Sheng-Nan Ji, Bang-Fen Zhu, and Ren-Bao Liu, Physical Review B 86, 045215 (2012). "Optical effects of spin currents in semiconductors"

  46. Gang-Qin Liu, Xin-Yu Pan, Zhan-Feng Jiang, Nan Zhao, and Ren-Bao Liu, Scientific Reports 2, 432 (2012). "Controllable effects of quantum fluctuations on spin free-induction decay at room temperature"

  47. T. Chen and R. B. Liu, Physical Review A 85, 043830 (2012). "Non-Markovian dynamics and strong coupling between atomic transitions and a waveguide continuum edge"

  48. B. Zaks, R. B. Liu, and M. Sherwin, Nature 483, 580 (2012). Experimental observation of electron-hole recollisions (highlight in News & Views by R. Huber)

  49. N. Zhao, S. W. Ho, and R.-B. Liu, Physical Review B 85, 115303 (2012). Decoherence and dynamical decoupling control of nitrogen vacancy center electron spins in nuclear spin baths

  50. P. Huang, X. Kong, N. Zhao, F. Shi, P. Wang, X. Rong, R.-B. Liu, and J. Du, Nature Communications 2, 570 (2011). Observation of an anomalous decoherence effect in a quantum bath at room temperature

  51. Z. Y. Wang and R. B. Liu, Physical Review A 83, 062313 (2011). Extending quantum control of time-independent systems to time-dependent systems

  52. N. Zhao, Z. Y. Wang, and R. B. Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 217205 (2011). Anomalous Decoherence Effect in a Quantum Bath

  53. J. Wang, R. B. Liu, B. F. Zhu, L. J. Sham, and D. G. Steek, Physical Review A 83, 053833 (2011). Coherent spin control by electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations

  54. N. Zhao, J. L. Hu, S. W. Ho, J. T. K. Wan, and R. B. Liu, Nature Nanotechnology 6, 242 (2011). Atomic-scale magnetometry of distant nuclear spin clusters via nitrogen-vacancy spin in diamond (cover story)

  55. Z. Y. Wang and R. B. Liu, Phys. Rev. A 83, 022306 (2011). Protection of quantum systems by nested dynamical decoupling

  56. W. Yang, Z. Y. Wang and R. B. Liu, Front. Phys. 6, 2 (2011). Preserving qubit coherence by dynamical decoupling (invited review) [PDF]

  57. K. Chen and R. B. Liu, Phys. Rev. A 82, 052324 (2010). Dynamical decoupling of a qubit in telegraphlike noises

  58. R. B. Liu, W. Yao, L. J. Sham, Advances in Physics 59, 703-802 (2010). Quantum computing by optical control of electron spins (Review Article) [PDF]

  59. J. Wang, B. F. Zhu, R. B. Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 256601 (2010). Second-order nonlinear optical effects of spin currents (Experimental verification by Zhao Hui's group in U Kansas, in Nature Physics)

  60. R. B. Liu, S. H. Fung, H. K. Fung, A. N. Korotkov and L. J. Sham, New J. Phys. 12, 013018 (2010). Dynamics revealed by correlations of time-distributed weak measurement of a single spin

  61. J. Du, X. Rong, N. Zhao, Y. Wang, J. Yang, and R. B. Liu, Nature 461, 1265 (2009). Preserving electron spin coherence in solids by optimal dynamical decoupling (Commentary by Buckley & Awschalom, 2009年中國十大科技進展之一)

  62. W. Yang and R. B. Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 180403 (2008). Universality of Uhrig Dynamical Decoupling for Suppressing Qubit Pure Dephasing and Relaxation

  63. W. Yang and R. B. Liu, Phys. Rev. B 78, 085315 (2008). Quantum many-body theory of qubit decoherence in a finite-size spin bath (Editor's Suggestion)

  64. H. Y. Hui and R. B. Liu, Phys. Rev. B 78, 155315 (2008). Proposal for geometrical generation of a biexciton in a quantum dot using a chirped pulse

  65. J. Wang, B. F. Zhu, and R. B. Liu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 086603 (2008). Proposal for Direct Measurement of a Pure Spin Current by a Polarized Light Beam (Highlight by NatureChina); Erratum: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 069902(E) (2008)

  66. W. Yang and R. B. Liu, Phys. Rev. B 77, 085302 (2008). Decoherence of coupled electron spins via nuclear spin dynamics in quantum dots

  67. R. B. Liu, W. Yao, and L. J. Sham, New J. Phys. 9, 226 (2007). Control of electron spin decoherence caused by electron–nuclear spin dynamics in a quantum dot (Editor's Selection)

  68. W. Yao, R. B. Liu, and L. J. Sham, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 077602 (2007). Restoring Coherence Lost to a Slow Interacting Mesoscopic Spin Bath

  69. R. B. Liu and B. F. Zhu, AIP Conf. Proc. 893, 1455 (2007) (Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors – ICPS2006, Vienna). High-order THz-sideband generation in semiconductors [PDF]

  70. W. Yao, R. B. Liu, and L. J. Sham, Phys. Rev. B 74, 195301 (2006). Theory of electron spin decoherence by interacting nuclear spins in a quantum dot

  71. M. V. Gurudev Dutt, J. Cheng, B. Li, X. Xu, X. Li, P. R. Berman, D. G. Steel, A. S. Bracker, D. Gammon, S. E. Economou, R. B. Liu, and L. J. Sham, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 227403 (2005). Stimulated and spontaneous optical generation of electron spin coherence in charged GaAs quantum dots

  72. S. E. Economou, R. B. Liu, L. J. Sham, and D. G. Steel, Phys. Rev. B 71, 195327 (2005).  Unified theory of consequences of spontaneous emission in a Lambda system

  73. R. B. Liu, W. Yao, and L. J. Sham, Phys. Rev. B  72, 081306(R) (2005).  Coherent control of cavity quantum electrodynamics for quantum nondemolition measurements and ultrafast cooling

  74. W. Yao, R. B. Liu, and L. J. Sham, Phys. Rev. Lett.  95, 030504 (2005). Theory of control of spin/photon interface for quantum networks

  75. W. Yao, R. B. Liu, and L. J. Sham, Phys. Rev. Lett.  92, 217402 (2004).  Nanodot-Cavity Electrodynamics and Photon Entanglement

  76. R. B. Liu and B. F. Zhu, App. Phys. Lett.  84, 2730 (2004).  Tunable terahertz emission from difference-frequency in biased superlattices

  77. R. B. Liu and B. F. Zhu, Phys. Rev. B 68, 195206 (2003). Nonlinear optics of semiconductors under an intense terahertz field

  78. R. B. Liu and B. F. Zhu, Phys. Rev. B 66, 033106 (2002).  Adiabatic stabilization of excitons in an intense terahertz laser

  79. R. B. Liu and B. F. Zhu, Europhys. Lett. 50, 526 (2000). Bloch oscillation under a bichromatic laser: Dynamical delocalization and localization, persistent terahertz emission, and harmonics generation

  80. R. B. Liu and B. F. Zhu, Phys. Rev. B 59, 5759 (1999).  Degenerate four-wave-mixing signals from a dc- and ac-driven semiconductor superlattice