Past Events
Effective Strategies for Active Learning - Series 2
Facilitator: Professors David Kember and Carmel McNaught
Professors of Learning Enhancement
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research

This second series of seminars explored effective ways to engage students in a variety of learning activities. Each seminar focused on one strategy. Practical advice was given by facilitators who had used this strategy in their own teaching. In all seminars the issue of how to implement new strategies without increasing your workload unduly was addressed.

1. Case-based learning: Designing and selecting cases
by Prof. David Kember & Prof. Carmel McNaught
5 Nov 2003

Description of and rationale for case- and problem-based learning. Principles of designing good cases. Where to find cases which can be adapted for use.

2. Case-based learning: Tutoring case-based classes

by Prof. David Kember, Prof. Carmel McNaught, Dr. Paul Lam, Dr. Doris Leung & Dr. Rosa Ma
11 Nov 2003

Contained a role play of tutoring strategies which are important if case-based teaching is to be successful. These strategies would also be helpful for running other types of tutorials and seminars. There was a discussion of preparing students for group work, as cases are commonly tackled by groups.

3. Assessment of individual contributions to group projects

by Prof. David Kember
18 Nov 2003

Students often complain that group projects are unfair because all group members get the same mark however much or little they contribute to the project. This seminar demonstrated a method for adjusting marks for projects based upon students rating their colleagues' contribution to the work of the group. The method has been successfully implemented in many courses in Hong Kong with positive student feedback.

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