Past Events
Research into learning and teaching in universities in Hong Kong
Facilitator: Prof. David Kember
Professor of Learning Enhancement
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research

A discussion of research into student learning, conducted in Hong Kong, which could inform teaching practice and course design. The aim was to seek answers to some frequently asked questions and challenge unfounded beliefs.

1. Approaches to learning of Hong Kong students
Is learning equated to memorising?
Is there an over-reliance upon rote learning?
How do schools affect learning practices?

16 Oct 2002
2. Out-of-class learning in groups
Do students prefer to work alone or in groups?
What type of learning takes place in groups?

23 Oct 2002
3. Motivation of students
Are they just aiming for a certificate and a well-paid job?
Do they lack intrinsic motivation?
Are they passive?

30 Oct 2002
4. Teachers' beliefs about teaching and how they influence their students' learning
What do university teachers understand by 'teaching'?
How do these beliefs impact upon the learning of their students?

6 Nov 2002
5. Development of graduate capabilities
How can teaching and courses nurture the qualities graduates need if they are to function in a knowledge-based society?

13 Nov 2002

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