Past Events
Challenge for Change: ICT and blended learning in the four-year curriculum in CUHK
Facilitator: Professor Bob Fox

Professor Bob Fox is Deputy Director of the Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) in the Division of Information and Technology Studies of the Faculty of Education of The University of Hong Kong. He has extensive experience in curriculum design and staff development in Australia and Hong Kong. He is the recipient of several teaching awards, as well as having a distinguished research record in the area of technology, pedagogy and learning.

Detail: The four-year curriculum, coming in 2012, provides a unique opportunity for enhancing teaching and learning practices at tertiary level across Hong Kong. This seminar will involve participants in exploring how ICT can be used at CUHK to develop and implement innovative teaching and learning practices which facilitate student-centred, collaborative learning.

Date: 5 May 2008, Mon
Time: 1:45pm - 3:00pm
Venue: Room 712, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building

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