Past Events
Why do student ratings for engineering and science subjects tend to be lower than for other disciplines?
Facilitator: Professor David Kember, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research

Detail: There is a substantial international literature which establishes a consistent disciplinary hierarchy in student ratings of teaching. However, there is no consensus as to why this occurs. This seminar intends to be provocative by exploring the reason. Structural equation modelling will be used to provide evidence to support the position that there is a common model of good teaching between disciplinary groupings. However, it also suggests that there are disciplinary differences in the extent to which elements in the model are deployed. These differences appear to be related to epistemological beliefs within disciplinary tribes. Hopefully this should lead on to an interesting debate about

  • whether teaching really is better in some disciplines than others
  • whether there are implications for teaching practices in some disciplines
  • whether there are consequences for the ways in which teaching is evaluated

  • Date: 30 Apr 2008, Wed
    Time: 12:30pm - 2:00pm
    Venue: Room 401, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building

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