Past Events
Dos and don'ts for writing multiple-choice items
Facilitator: Professor Carmel McNaught, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research

Detail: Objective testing (e.g. with multiple-choice items) can have several advantages in the right situation. In this seminar we will examine the situations where students can benefit from the use of objective tests. However, if the test items are at a very low level or poorly constructed, the testing process can be detrimental to learning. Unfortunately, many objective tests are weakly constructed; this is true at CUHK and elsewhere. Most of the seminar will focus on the 'rules' for constructing valid objective test items. Participants will critique a number of examples in order to gain practice in writing effective multiple-choice items.

Date: 28 Feb 2008, Thu
Time: 12:30pm - 2:00pm
Venue: Room 401, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building

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