Past Events
The Tower and the Cloud: Higher Education and Information Technology in a Web 2.0 Era
Facilitator: Richard N. Katz, Vice-president of EDUCAUSE

Bio: RICHARD N. KATZ has been vice president of EDUCAUSE since 1996, and in 2001 he founded the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR). Before joining EDUCAUSE, Katz held a variety of management and executive positions spanning 14 years at the University of California (UC). At UC, Katz was awarded the Gurevich Prize, the Olsten Award, and was the 2nd recipient of that University's Award for Innovative Management and Leadership.

Katz is the author, co-author or editor of six books, four major research studies, and more than 50 articles and monographs on a variety of management and technology topics. His book Dancing with the devil (available in both paper and electronic form in the CU Library) was deemed one of the 10 most important education-related books of 1999 by Lingua Franca. He received his B.A. from the University of Pittsburgh, and his MBA from UCLA.

Detail: Universities have served important functions in society for more than 1,000 years. They have done so in part by creating places that promote reflection, discussion, discovery and learning. For many people, the university-as-place is central to the purposes of the university.

The university is also an idea and increasingly ideas - in the Internet - have enormous power to stimulate learning and discovery. Indeed, what many now describe as Web 2.0 is a view that the web is evolving into a social environment that has the potential to extend the influence and reach of institutions and individuals. This talk will address the co-evolution of higher education and the Internet and will explore issues the roles of place, expertise, and even truth, in a world of abundant information and changing academic expectations.

Date: 11 Feb 2008, Mon
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Venue: ITSC Seminar Room, Room 120-121, Pi Chiu Building

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