Three life science graduates, Li Jing-Woei Marco (Biochemistry, 2008; PhD 2012; MBBS 2020), Yu Chi-Shing Allen (MBT, 2009; PhD 2013), and Yim Kay-Yuen Aldrin (Biochemistry, 2010; MPhil 2014) co-founded Codex Genetics Limited with a funding support from the Technology Start-Up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU) in 2014.  It was among the first back then, and currently the only bioinformatics-genomics company at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park.  Since its inception, Codex has focused on providing customized genetic testing and data analytics solutions to different research units across local university and hospital, and international pharmaceutical company and insurance company.  At the same time, Codex is also committed to contributing their domain knowledge to serve the society.  They have been developing cost-cutting genomic methods for the rapid diagnosis and management of rare neurological diseases.  To recognize their contribution, they were awarded the 7th Spirit of Hong Kong Award – Spirit of Innovation last year.

Additional information:

1. The Spirit of Hong Kong Awards 香港精神獎2020
2. Founders of Hong Kong genetics firm turn research project into action plan to improve care for patients of hereditary brain disease [South China Morning Post]


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Aldrin Yim   Allen Yu   Macro Li


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University Student Sponsorship Programme (USSP) in Wildlife Conservation

School of Life Sciences (and its former counterpart, Department of Biology) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong has been in partnership with Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong in sending students to go on a 2-week overseas trip to participate in conservation projects through the University Students Sponsorship Programme in Wildlife Conservation for over 10 years.

We are now launching our next round of application.  Please refer to the 2019-20 page for details.

 from past participants:



CHAN Ying Tung Shadow (BIOL, CUHK),

CHENG Lok Yiu Rachel (BIOL, CUHK)


Animal Species: 

Multiple species of cetaceans 


Luzon and Visayas Island, The Philippines 


19 May to 1 June 2019

Principal Investigator: 

Dr. Marie OBUSAN, Natural Sciences Research Institute (NSRI) 

Research Focus: 

Cetacean Health and Stranding Response Program: a One Health Initiative in the Philippines

Students' Work:

•  Population survey of cetaceans

•  Sample processing of stranded cetaceans

Students’ Sharing

Files on student sharing/2019 CETA2 reflection.html



KONG Ka Wing Christy (ENSC, CUHK),

LAI Yat Yi Iris (ENSC, CUHK),

FUNG Yan Lok Louis (ESSC, CUHK),

CHONG Hoi Dik Heidi (HKBU)


Animal Species: 



Palawan, Philippines 


24 May to 6 June 2019

Principal Investigator: 

Mr. Reynante RAMILO, Community Centred Conservation (C3)  

Research Focus: 

Community-Driven Monitoring and Conservation of Palawan's Threatened Dugongs 

Students' Work:

•  Land-based survey for dugong

•  Monitoring of dugong eco-tourism

•  Monitoring of feeding tracks of dugongs and sea grass bed

•  Assist local community education work to raise awareness on dugong conservation

Students’ Sharing

Files on student sharing/DUG Reflection - KONG (short).html

Files on student sharing/DUG Reflection - KONG (long).html

Files on student sharing/DUG Reflection - FUNG.html



FUNG Hei Lam Heidi (BIOL, CUHK),

LEUNG Ho Yin Alexander (ENSC, CUHK)


Animal Species: 

Giant panda 




16 to 23 May 2019

Principal Investigator: 

Dr. LI Binbin, Duke Kunshan University

Research Focus: 

Study on sustainable grazing and management policy of giant panda's habitat

Students' Work:

•  Survey of grazing communities and animals in giant panda habitat

•  Infrared-triggered camera trap setup to investigate wildlife inhabited in the area

Students’ Sharing

Files on student sharing/PANDA Reflection - LEUNG.html

Files on student sharing/PANDA Reflectoin - FUNG.html



WONG Long Ching Elvis (BIOL, CUHK),

FONG Tsz Ting Leroy (HKBU),

MA Kwan Po Michael,

WONG Ka Yee Kitty (HKU)


Animal Species: 

Snow leopard


Qinghai, China


18 May to 2 June 2019

Principal Investigator: 

Dr. CHENG Chen, Peking University Centre for Nature and Society

Research Focus: 

Identification of key protection area for snow leopards in Sanjiangyuanunder climate change

Students' Work:

•  Population survey of mammals with infrared-triggered camera

•  Interviews with local communities

•  Bird survey and vegetation converage survey

Students’ Sharing

Files on student sharing/SNOW Reflection - WONG.html


Chinese (繁)

The Mushroom-X Social Team of 4 life sciences students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has been awarded the Gold Award in China College Students’ Entrepreneurship Competition (“Chuang Qing Chun”) in 2018. The competition was held in November at Hangzhou this year. The project entitled “Mushroom for the Next” promote sustainability awareness to the public through mushroom science and education. The team is honored and grateful to receive the award as social entrepreneurship.

The four students, Lai Sok Ian (Helen), Tam Ka Wing (Caity), Ng Heung Yu (Crystal) and Tang Hoi Yan (Yannes) joined the Mushroom Social Project in 2017. With funding from CUHK, Mushroom-X Limited is established in Mar 2018, aiming to bring the impact of mushroom for the next economy and global need. The team has cultivated more than 800 mushroom bottles with upcycling of food wastes and thus demonstrated the practice of reducing carbon footprint.

Under the supervision of Prof Kwan Hoi Shan and coaching from Ms Beatrice Ho, the co-founders of Mushroom-X, the team is passionate to disseminating their belief of “mushroom can save the world” to the public. They voluntarily supported the Mini exhibition “The Beauty of Mushroom” at the campus in July 2017 to showcase the diversity, the growth and development of mushrooms and introduce the model of sustainable urban mushroom farming system. They have also showcased in HK Food Expo (Aug 2017, 2018), Peacemaker's Cultural Celebration by UNSECO (Feb 2018) and Maker Faire (Jul 2018) as public engagement.

In this summer, the team held a workshop to teachers from Macau to promote the mushroom STEAM workshop for embracing the beauty of nature and sustainability education. Throughout the summer of 2018, the team dedicated to the Mushroom Maker Programme in the university to drive fellow students in having a valuable experience of practicing science to daily life.

With their commitment to bringing humanity’s needs in balance with the resources of our planet, they won the Second Prize of Social Enterprise in the Challenge Cup, The 4th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and were selected as one of the representatives of Hong Kong to participate in “Chuang Qing Chun” in 2018. “Mushroom for the Next” finally won the Gold Award in the social entrepreneurship category.

About the competition

“Chuang Qing Chun” and “Challenge Cup” National Competitions are renowned as the Olympics for innovation and entrepreneurship of Chinese university students and nurtured students’ ability in the past 20 years. This year, the competition received over 150,000 applications. Among the 369 teams of finalist in all categories, only 20 teams achieved gold in social entrepreneurship. (



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由香港中文大學4名生命科學學院學生組成的Mushroom-X 公益團隊於2018年榮獲“創青春”全國大學生創業大賽金獎,比賽於今年十一月在杭州舉行。參賽項目「菇創未來」透過菇菌科學和教育向公眾推廣可持續發展意識,團隊對獲得社會企業的獎項深感榮幸。

黎淑茵、譚嘉穎、吳香如及鄧凱欣於2017年參與Mushroom Social Project,項目獲得香港中文大學基金支持,於2018年3月成企業Mushroom-X Limited,旨在用自主研發的菇菌核心技術來發展新興經濟,以滿足全球糧食及可持續發展的需求。團隊已培植了800多瓶菇菌,以升級循環培養基來實踐減少碳足印。

在Mushroom-X的共同創辦人關海山教授和何穎芝小姐的指導下,團隊熱心向公眾傳播“菇菌救地球”的理念。於2017年7月團隊參與和舉辦了小型菇菌展覧,向公眾展示生物多樣性、菇菌的生長和發育和推廣可持續城市菇菌種植系統。除此之外,他們也在香港貿發局美食博覽、聯合國教科文組織的國際和平日和Maker Faire等推動公眾參與。

於今年夏天,團隊為澳門學校的老師提供了菇菌工作坊,推廣菇菌STEAM教育,鼓勵老師培育學生從菇菌欣賞大自然之美和可持續發展意識。在這個暑假,公益團隊在中大校園帶動同學參與Mushroom Maker Programme,啟發同學在生活中實踐科學。






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香港中文大學(中大)工商管理學院、工程學院、醫學院生物醫學學院及理學院生命科學學院十二位本科生組成的基因工程隊伍,憑著設計快速辨別流感病毒的方法,在美國波士頓舉行的國際遺傳工程機器設計(International Genetically Engineered Machine,簡稱iGEM)世界賽中榮獲金獎。這是中大第七度在該比賽中奪金,成績驕人。

中大隊伍今年的參賽項目為「快速:核酸適配流感探針檢查器」(RAPID: RNA Aptamer Probe Influenza Detector)。流感等傳染病一直威脅著香港以至全球人類健康,但由於初期症狀如咳嗽、發熱等與傷風相似,很多人將兩者混為一談,未能及時對症下藥。即使醫生診斷為流感,亦須在實驗室測試病毒樣本,才可確定病毒類型(即甲、乙或丙型)及其亞種(如H1N1、H5N1及H7N9等)。大部分病毒樣本測試需時一天或更久,可能錯失控制疫情的黃金時間。中大基因工程隊於是研發一套流感病毒快速測試系統,能夠利用病毒的核糖核酸(Ribonucleic acid,簡稱RNA)分辨其種類,約半小時內便有結果。患者僅需要一部智能手機、一個小巧的探測儀和配件,便可安坐家中自行檢測是否染上流感,及時求醫,減少流感的傳播。

這個測試利用了一款螢光核酸適體(Light-up RNA Aptamer)的設計。當改造過的螢光核酸適體與另一核酸分子相配結合時,它的結構會轉變而導致發出可見的螢光,顯示屬於某種病毒的序列是否存在。這款適體的設計理論上能檢測任何一種核酸分子,包括流感及其他病毒的基因序列。中大基因工程隊設計了一個便攜式螢光探測儀用以檢測適體發出的螢光。隊伍亦基於機器學習的方法設計了一個手機應用程式對檢測結果進行分析。這個設計有望幫助普通市民更加方便快捷的檢測流感病毒。







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1. hk01