Past Events
A smorgasbord of ideas for active learning I: CUHK teachers sharing their experiences on authentic learning.
Facilitator: Professor Paul LAM
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Detail: Starting in 2009, CLEAR launched the Learning Activity Project to explore effective learning activities at CUHK and to investigate their impact on students’ learning. This workshop will disseminate and spread these ideas of effective learning-activity designs to fellow CUHK teachers. This is the first of the two ‘smorgasbord of ideas for active learning’ workshops we are holding this semester. In this workshop, we will concentrate on how learning activities can be designed with high authenticity. Authentic learning enables students to relate coursework to real-life scenarios, and to problems and situations they are likely to face as professionals as graduates.

Two CUHK teachers will share their experiences in adopting authentic learning designs.
  • Problem-based learning in Chemistry: An authentic research training for undergraduates - Dr Kendrew Mak and Prof Kevin Leung (Department of Chemistry)

  • Teaching product design with a role-playing game - Prof Will Ng (Department of Information Engineering)

Date: 17 May 2011 Tue

Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Venue: Room 712, William M.W. Mong Engineering Building
(next to Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building)

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