The eLS@CU is now warmly inviting CUHK teachers to share their experiences with their colleagues in the "Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2010". The event will be held on Friday 22 October 2010, Teaching Complex at Western Campus.
The call for presentations has begun. This year, talk and/or poster presenters are given the choice to submit either an abstract or a short paper for inclusion into the Expo proceedings. Please visit the 'Call for Presentations' section for more details. Organizers The eLearning Service@CU (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/eLearning/) is a joint service provided by ITSC and CLEAR.
This is the fourth year we have run the teaching and learning Expo at the University. The Expo allows CUHK teachers to share concepts and practices of teaching and learning innovations. We welcome all ideas and practices that lead to learning enhancement in a course, a programme or across the University as a whole, regardless of whether technology is involved or not.
The Expo provides a mutually supportive and positive environment, where creative ideas or practices that lead to learning enhancement can be exchanged through meaningful conversation or interactive sharing.
There will be regular updates to the Expo website. At this stage, the Expo has three main parts:
►Opening, keynote address
►Talks organized in parallel sessions (25-minute slots). The talks include information talks on defined themes (e.g. related to OBA, or innovative ideas for the four-year curriculum), and formal presentations by teachers on their work.
►Poster presentations in which our participants can enjoy a light lunch while learning new ideas by discussing with others.
Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC)
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR)