Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) - B.Sc. in Food and Nutritional Sciences

B.Sc. in Food and Nutritional Sciences

(Offered by School of Life Sciences)

(852) 3943 6295
Admission  SCIENCE (JS4601)



Food safety and prudent diet safeguarding the quality of our lives have become increasingly important. The rapid advancement of nutrition knowledge and the expansion of the health food industry further pose new challenges as well as research opportunities in food and nutritional sciences. To cope with the increasing demand for specialists in these areas, the University started offering the Food and Nutritional Sciences Programme since 1994. Food is an integral part of human nutrition by providing the source of nutrients. Food science and nutritional science are two streams of study, but they are interrelated and inseparable. Students admitted to our programme will gain the basic and applied knowledge in both sciences. Equipping with such a strong foundation, our students would be well-prepared for any number of careers in the food and nutrition sectors. Besides, our programme also prepares students to pursue further study on dietetics, health sciences and food research.


Our programme provides

  • Fundamental training in modern food and nutritional sciences, with an emphasis on the Oriental perspective
  • Opportunities to acquire research and/or professional expertise to support the local food industry and the profession of nutrition

Career Prospects

  • Food-related Career (Industry): R&D, QA, Technologist, Marketing, Testing Lab and Auditing, Catering and Food Retail
  • Food-related Career (Government): CFS Scientific Officer, DoH Research Officer, FEHD Health Inspector
  • Nutrition-related Career: HA Hospital (Dietitian*, Programme Assistant) and NGO Nutrition Consultant, Health Care Nutritionist, Medical and Pharmaceutical Product Specialist

* Further training required

Alumnus Sharing

CHOOK Chui Yiu

I chose Food and Nutritional Sciences Programme as my major because it is more applicable and closely related to our everyday life. It includes the studies of both food and nutritional science, which are inseparable but actually two different disciplines. Food science mainly focuses on food itself, including food handling, manufacturing, and safety, while nutritional science investigates the nutrition needs of our body and how our body reacts to the nutrients. After taking those courses, we would be able to understand and explain most of the phenomenon that we usually come across in our daily life, such as why sugar becomes brown in colour after heating and why vitamin A is essential to night vision. The broad topics discussed in the programme are definitely an inspiring and valuable knowledge base for our future career or postgraduate studies in this field.