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Earth System Science Programme
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Field trip Field trip Field trip Prof. Amos P.K. Tai received the WMO Research Award for Young Scientists Field trip Field trip
Button to: Graduate Division of Earth & Atmospheric Science
Seminar 5 Mar 21
How to Rock the Earth without An Earthquake? by Professor Wenyuan FAN, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A.

news 16 Feb 21
A tenure-track faculty position in geophysics based on the "Madam Ng Yin Ying Early Career Professorship Scheme" is available starting August 2021 in the Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Outstanding candidates with research and teaching interests in all areas of geophysics are invited to apply.

news 23 Jan 21
PhD student YAO Suli received the Best Student Presentation Awards from the Eastern Section - Seismological Society of America Annual Conference. She also won the co-championship of the inaugural Science Faculty Postgraduate Research Day.

Seminar 27 Nov 20
Environmental Geomechanics for Cracking in Energy Resources Engineering by Professor Manman HU, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Hong Kong

news 19 Nov 20
Professor Gabriel LAU Ngar Cheung named fellow of American Geophysical Union

Seminar 14 Nov 20
Professor YANG Hongfeng organized a webinar on Induced Seismicity

news 14 Nov 20
Dr. Tammy TAM and ESSC student LAU King Heng have joined RTHK radio programme "學友社及香港電台 - 奮發時刻DSE"

news 10 Nov 20
ESSC undergraduate student’s research leading to publication in peer-reviewed journal.

news 5 Nov 20
Professor YANG Hongfeng's given a few online talks at different institutes recently:
马里亚纳俯冲带南部结构与地震特征 at College of Oceanography, Hohai University
探索地震断层的摩擦性质 at Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, CEA
Press 7 Oct 20
Professor YANG Hongfeng's studies about shallow earthquake have been featured on various media -
CUHK Press Release - CUHK Professor Investigates Extremely Shallow Earthquake Related to Shale Gas Production in Sichuan
HKET Topick (經濟日報) - 中大學者研究四川榮縣地震 估計由頁岩氣水力壓裂開採誘發成極淺層地震
Singtao (星島日報) - 四川頁岩氣開採 中大:會誘發地震
Phys.org - Unusually shallow earthquake ruptures in Chinese fracking field

Seminar 23 Oct 20
Induced Seismicity and Casing Deformation Caused by Hydraulic Fracturing: A Case Study in Sichuan Basin, Southwest China by Professor Fengshou ZHANG, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, China