XIA Keqing

[Personal Research Homepage]

Emeritus Professor and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Physics

(852) 3943 6102



Room 206, 2/F, Science Centre North Block


  • PhD, University of Pittsburgh, USA, 1987
  • MS, University of Pittsburgh, USA, 1982
  • BS, Lanzhou University, China, 1981

Current Position:

  • Emeritus Professor and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Research Interest:

  • Fluid Turbulence
  • Complex Fluids

Honours and Awards:

  • Fellow, American Physical Society (2010)
  • China State Natural Science Award (2nd Class) (2009)
  • The Croucher Senior Research Fellowship (2005)
  • China Higher Education Science and Technology Award (2nd Class) (2001)

Selected Recent Publications:

  • Q. Zhou, R.J.A.M. Stevens, K. Sugiyama, S. Grossmann, D. Lohse and K.-Q. Xia, "Prandtl-Blasius temperature and velocity boundary layer profiles in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection", J. Fluid Mech. 664, pp.297-312, 2010.
  • Q. Zhou and K.Q. Xia, "University of Local Dissipation Scales in Buoyancy-Driven Turbulence", Physical Review Letters 104, 124301, 2010.03.
  • Q. Zhou and K.Q. Xia, "Measured Instantaneous Viscous Boundary Layer in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection", Physical Review Letters 104, 104301, 2010.03.
  • D. Lohse and K.Q. Xia, "Small-Scale Properties of Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection", Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 42, pp.335-364, 2010.01.
  • H.D. Xi, S.Q. Zhou, Q. Zhou, T.S. Chan and K.Q. Xia, "Origin of the Temperature Oscillation in Turbulent Thermal Convection", Physical Review Letters 102, 044503, 2009.01.
  • X.D. Shang, P. Tong and K.Q. Xia, "Scaling of the Local Convective Heat Flux in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection", Physical Review Letters 100, 244503, 2008.06.
  • C. Sun, Y.H. Cheung and K.Q. Xia, "Experimental Studies of the Viscous Boundary Layer Properties in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 605, pp.79-113, 2008.06.
  • H.D. Xi and K.Q. Xia, "Flow Mode Transitions in Turbulent Thermal Convection", Physics of Fluids 20, 055104, 2008.05.
  • X.Z. He, P. Tong and K.Q. Xia, "Measured Thermal Dissipation Field in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection", Physical Review Letters 98, 144501, 2007.04.
  • Q. Zhou, C. Sun and K.Q. Xia, "Morphological Evolution of Thermal Plumes in Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection", Physical Review Letters 98, 074501, 2007.02.
  • C. Sun, Q. Zhou and K.Q. Xia, "Cascades of Velocity and Temperature Fluctuations in Buoyancy-Driven Thermal Turbulence", Physical Review Letters 97, 144504, 2006.10.