Part-Time Teachers (Since 2010)

CHAN Ka Ming

MPhil (HKU); PhD (CUHK) Cinema and popular culture, animal and ecological humanities, and globalization and urban studies

Andrea J. CHEN

MDiv, MACS (CUHK); PhD candidate (HKU) Material Culture Studies, Material Cultures of the Eurasia

Kanny CHOU

BSSc (OUHK); MDiv, PhD (CUHK) New Testament

Nicky T.S. CHU

BA (Portsmouth Polytechnic); MA, PhD (Lancaster) Cultural Theories and Continental Philosophy, Judao-Christian Religion and Cultural Practices, Social Transformation and Cultural-religious Criticism, Hong Kong Cultural History


BSW (PolyU); MSW (HKBU) Youth Counselling

KEE Chi Hing

BSc (HKU); DEdu (Nottingham); MACS, MATS (CUHK) Pastoral Studies & Counselling

LAM Sung Che

BD (SEAGST); DMin (Emory) Denominational Tradition and Polity

Jason T.S. LAM

BA (CUHK); DipCS (CGST); MDiv (CUHK); PhD (Cambridge) Hermeneutics and Theology, Modern Christian Thoughts

LAU Chung Ming

BSSc (CUHK); MBA (CUHK); PhD (Texas A&M U); DipCS (CGST) Management and leadership

Sam Y.S. LAU

MBA (Strathclyde); MACS, MDiv, PhD (CUHK) Hebrew Bible

LIU Tsui Yuk

BSc (HKU); MDiv (Evangel); MPhil (CUHK); DTh (Heidelberg) New Testament

Bill C.B. LO

DipSW; MSW (Alabama) Counseling and Ministries

Bryan K.M. Mok

BA, MDiv, PhD (CUHK) Ecology and Christian Theology

Paul C.C. NG

BD (SEAGST), DMin (International Theol. Sem.) Homiletics and Preaching

Angela C.C. TAM

BA (CUHK); MM (Ohio State); DMA (Cincinnati) Worship, Music and Liturgy Integrated Approach

Philip Lauri WICKERI

AB (Colgate); MDiv, PhD (Princeton Theol. Sem.); DD (Church Divinity School of the Pacific) History of Christianity in China

Angel S.K. WONG

MDiv, MTh (Western Seminary); PhD (Dallas Theological Seminary) New Testament: Greek, Synoptic Gospels, Parables

Rose WU

BD (SEAGST); DMin (Episcopal Divinity School) Theology and Feminism

Gustav K.K. YEUNG

BSc (Engg) (HKU); MDiv, PhD (CUHK) Religious Education, Life Education

YIP Man Hei

BA, MPhil (HKU); MA Theol. (Wartburg Theol. Sem.); STM (Wartburg Theol. Sem.); PhD (Lutheran Theol. Sem.) Church in mission

Christopher C.P. YIU

MBBS (HKU); PhD (Medical Science) (Tohoku); FCS (HK); FRCS (Edinburg); FHKAM (Surgery); MACS (CUHK) Sex Therapy in Church Settings