
Admissions Events

Information Day—Bachelor of Divinity (BD) & Master of Divinity (MDiv)

17 March 2021 (Wed) 8:00PM

Venue: Online via ZOOM
Speaker: Prof. Simon KWAN (BD Programme Director), Prof. Tobias BRANDNER (MDiv Programme Director)
Deadline of registration: 15 March 2021 (Mon)

Free Admission


[ZOOM meeting ID & password will be sent to registered participants via email after the registration deadline.]

Information Day—Master of Theology (MTheol) & Doctor of Theology (DTheol)

19 March 2021 (Fri) 8:00PM

Venue: Online via ZOOM
Speaker: Prof. Christina WONG (Programme Director)
Deadline of registration: 15 March 2021 (Mon)

Free Admission


[ZOOM meeting ID & password will be sent to registered participants via email after the registration deadline.]

Degree Programmes

Programmes of CUHK Graduate School
Deadline: 9 April 2021

Apply Now Submit Letter of Purpose of Study Personal Info Form Notes for Applicants Apply Now Personal Info Form Notes for Applicants
MACS Tuition Scholarship

The aim of the scholarship is to provide tuition assistance to meritorious students. Applicants are required to submit all previous academic records along with an application letter (not more than two pages) to illustrate how the MACS program may renew their mind and equip them to make further contributions to the church, transform society, and serve God. There will be a maximum of 15 tuition scholarships, and each successful case can be awarded up to HKD80,000.

Apply for MACS Tuition Scholarship


  1. Application deadline: 9 April 2021
  2. Selected awardees will be notified by late July 2021

Programmes of Divinity School of Chung Chi College
Deadline: 9 April 2021

Application Procedures Application Form Recommendation Form (PDF) Recommendation Form (DOCX) Application Procedures Application Form Recommendation Form (PDF) Recommendation Form (DOCX) Application Procedures Application Form Recommendation Form (PDF) Recommendation Form (DOCX)

Professional Doctorate in Practical Theology [Ref. No: 452604]


Forms and details

Non-Local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance

This is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which this course may lead.


Diploma and Certificate Programmes

Diploma / Certificate Programme in Christian Thought and Practice Admission 2020-2021   Apply Now  

Diploma Programme in Christian Thought and PracticeCertificate Programme in Christian Thought and Practice

Online Application Form