CHAN Ka Ming MPhil (HKU); PhD (CUHK) Cinema and popular culture, animal and ecological humanities, and globalization and urban studies |
Andrea J. CHEN MDiv, MACS (CUHK); PhD candidate (HKU) Material Culture Studies, Material Cultures of the Eurasia |
Kanny CHOU BSSc (OUHK); MDiv, PhD (CUHK) New Testament |
Nicky T.S. CHU BA (Portsmouth Polytechnic); MA, PhD (Lancaster) Cultural Theories and Continental Philosophy, Judao-Christian Religion and Cultural Practices, Social Transformation and Cultural-religious Criticism, Hong Kong Cultural History |
Ivy W.Y. CHUNG BSW (PolyU); MSW (HKBU) Youth Counselling |
KEE Chi Hing BSc (HKU); DEdu (Nottingham); MACS, MATS (CUHK) Pastoral Studies & Counselling |
LAM Sung Che BD (SEAGST); DMin (Emory) Denominational Tradition and Polity |
Jason T.S. LAM BA (CUHK); DipCS (CGST); MDiv (CUHK); PhD (Cambridge) Hermeneutics and Theology, Modern Christian Thoughts |
LAU Chung Ming BSSc (CUHK); MBA (CUHK); PhD (Texas A&M U); DipCS (CGST) Management and leadership |
Sam Y.S. LAU MBA (Strathclyde); MACS, MDiv, PhD (CUHK) Hebrew Bible |
LIU Tsui Yuk BSc (HKU); MDiv (Evangel); MPhil (CUHK); DTh (Heidelberg) New Testament |
Bill C.B. LO DipSW; MSW (Alabama) Counseling and Ministries |
Bryan K.M. Mok BA, MDiv, PhD (CUHK) Ecology and Christian Theology |
Paul C.C. NG BD (SEAGST), DMin (International Theol. Sem.) Homiletics and Preaching |
Angela C.C. TAM BA (CUHK); MM (Ohio State); DMA (Cincinnati) Worship, Music and Liturgy Integrated Approach |
Philip Lauri WICKERI AB (Colgate); MDiv, PhD (Princeton Theol. Sem.); DD (Church Divinity School of the Pacific) History of Christianity in China |
Angel S.K. WONG MDiv, MTh (Western Seminary); PhD (Dallas Theological Seminary) New Testament: Greek, Synoptic Gospels, Parables |
Rose WU BD (SEAGST); DMin (Episcopal Divinity School) Theology and Feminism |
Gustav K.K. YEUNG BSc (Engg) (HKU); MDiv, PhD (CUHK) Religious Education, Life Education |
YIP Man Hei BA, MPhil (HKU); MA Theol. (Wartburg Theol. Sem.); STM (Wartburg Theol. Sem.); PhD (Lutheran Theol. Sem.) Church in mission |
Christopher C.P. YIU MBBS (HKU); PhD (Medical Science) (Tohoku); FCS (HK); FRCS (Edinburg); FHKAM (Surgery); MACS (CUHK) Sex Therapy in Church Settings |