Keith K.F. CHAN

Keith K.F. CHAN
Adjunct Assistant Professor
BA (HKBU); MPhil, PhD (CUHK)


Research Interests
  • Modern and Contemporary Theology
  • Continental Philosophy of Religion
  • Religion and Environmental Ethics
  • Religion and Animal Studies
  • Paul Tillich Studies
  1. 2018. Life as Spirit: A Study of Paul Tillich’s Ecological Pneumatology. (Tillich Research Series Volume 17) Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. (Pages 224 in English)
  2. 2008. Paul Tillich: Theology in the Boundary. Hong Kong: Logos Publishers Co. (Pages xviii + 233 in Chinese)
  1. 2017. Co-editors with William NG Yau-nang, Paul Tillich and Asian Religions. (Tillich Research Series Volume 11) Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. (Pages 238 in English)
  2. 2014. Co-editors with Chang Huei-yin, When Theologian Meet Politics, Hong Kong: VWLink. (Pages 214 in Chinese)
  3. 2006. Editor, Tillich and Sino-Christian Theology. Hong Kong: Logos & Pneuma Co. (Pages 431 in Chinese)
  1. 2019. “Messianic Politics, Suspension and the Redemption of the Time: An Investigation of Agamben’s Political Theology,” Sino-Christian Studies: An International Journal of Bible, Theology & Philosophy (in Chinese, under review)
  2. 2019. “Towards a Christian Ethics of Eco-Economy,” Religious Studies (in Chinese, under review)
  3. 2019. “Tillich’s Kairos Theology: A Christological Theology of History,” History, Eschaton and Theologian (in Chinese, in publication)
  4. 2019. “The Coming Future: Pannenberg’s Theology of History,” History, Eschaton and Theologian (in Chinese, in publication)
  5. 2019. “Neo-governational Apparatus: Soverignity Exception, Economic Theology and Strategic of Resistance,” Omnia Omnibus 2: Biopolitics and Technology (in Chinese, in publication)
  6. 2019. “On Paul Tillich’s Theonomous Technology,” Omnia Omnibus 2: Biopolitics and Technology (in Chinese, in publication)
  7. 2017. “Pneumatological Sacramentality and Cosmic Humanity: Tillich, Orthodox Theology and Confucianism,” Eds. William NG Yau-nang & Keith CHAN Ka-fu, Paul Tillich and Asian Religions. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp.221-238.
  8. 2017. “Introduction to Paul Tillich and Asian Religions,” Co-author with William NG Yau-nang. Eds. William NG Yau-nang & Keith CHAN Ka-fu, Paul Tillich and Asian Religions. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp.1-25.
  9. 2016. “A Confucian-Kantian Response to Environmental Eco-centrism on Animal Equality,” co-author with Stephen Palmquist, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, volume 43, issue 3-4, pp.221-238.
  10. 2016. 〈阿甘本的保羅主義—彌賽亞時間 / 生命〉,陳錦輝編,《一切》,(香港:德慧文化,2016) ,頁67-94。(“Agamben’s Paulism: Messianic Time / Life,” Ed. CHAN Kam-fai, Omnia Omnibus: Paul, Our Comrade of Time. (HK: VWlink, 2016), pp.67-94)
  11. 2016. 〈以「神聖暴力」取代「神話暴力」—從本雅明思路探索法與暴力〉,《廢掉冤仇‧尋求和睦》,(香港:突破出版社,2016) ,頁44-57。
  12. 2015. “Paul Tillich’s Understanding of Theology: A Pneumatological Christological Perspective,” Sino-Christian Studies: An International Journal of Bible, Theology & Philosophy, Issue 20, 2015, pp.33-86. (A&HC Index, Scopus)
  13. 2015. “Theology as theonome Systematik: On the continuity of Tillich’s theology,” Logos and Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology (A&HC Index, Scopus) Vol.43 (Autumn, 2015) (in Chinese),pp. 93-114.
  14. 2015. 〈德國基督教會的納粹陰魂與納粹政權的基督教精神〉,張慧嫈編,《仄徑舛途》(香港:德慧文化,2015) ,頁179-200。(“The Nazi ghost of German Christianity and the Christian Spirit of Nazi Power,” Ed. Chang Huei-yin, A Winding Path: The Church and The Power (HK: VWlink, 2015), pp.179-200.) (in Chinese)
  15. 2014. “Philosophy of History and Political Theology of Paul Tillich,” Co-editors with Chang Huei-yin, When Theologian Meet Politics. Hong Kong: VWLink, 2014, pp.60-76. (in Chinese)
  16. 2011. “Discuss with Prof. Jason Yeung on the Understanding of Paul Tillich and Schleiermacher: A Review of 20th Century Selected Theologians,” Hill Road, July 2011 Vol.14 No.1 (Issue 27), pp.165-180 (in Chinese)
  17. 2009. “A Process Ecological Theology of Paul Tillich with special reference of doctrine of creation-eschatology” Theology and Life. Annual Theological Journal, No.32, 2009,pp.23-40 (in Chinese with English abstract)
  18. 2008. “The Dialectical Character of Dialectic Theology: Barth and Tillich” Karl Barth and Sino-Christian Theology. Volume II. Ed. Ou Li-jen & Andrews Tang. Hong Kong: ISCS, 2008, pp.367-390 (in Chinese)
  19. 2006. “Editor's Preface: A review on the Recent Western and Chinese Scholarships on Tillich Studies” Paul Tillich and Sino-Christian Theology. Ed. Keith K.F. Chan (HK: Logos & Pneuma Press, 2006), pp. 11-38 (in Chinese)
  20. 2006. “Tillich's Idea of Mysticism and Trinity”, Paul Tillich and Sino-Christian Theology. Ed. Keith K.F. Chan (HK: Logos & Pneuma Press, 2006), pp. 97-120. (in Chinese)
  21. 2004. “Tillich’s Idea on Church on the Boundary” Hill Road, Vol.7, issue 2, 2004, pp. 49-69 (in Chinese with English abstract)
  22. 2004. “Christian Eco-Economics: Critique on Globalization” Studies on Christian Religion, Issue 7, 2004 Dec.,pp.233-249 (in Chinese)
  23. 2003. “Theology of Nature in Early Tillich: An Ecological theological Point of View” Logos & Pneuma Chinese Journal of Theology Vol. 18 (2003, Spring), pp. 89-121 (in Chinese with English abstract)
  24. 2002. “Between Perfect and Separate: The Christian Doctrine of God in Mou Tsung-san and Paul Tillich,” Logos & Pneuma Chinese Journal of Theology, Vol.16, (2002, Spring), pp. 229-248 (in Chinese)
  25. 2002. “Towards an Interpenetrating Reality: Tillich's Pneumatological Doctrine of Creation and Zhang Zai's Doctrine of Ch'I” Holy Spirit: Chinese Perspective. Hong Kong: Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2002. pp. 99-118 (in Chinese)
  26. 2002. “Tillich’s Ecological Vision: Relationship between Humanity and Nature” Dialogue on Life and Ethics between Christianity and Confucianism. Ed. Lai Pan-chiu. Hong Kong: CUHK, 2002. pp.31- 58 (in Chinese)
  27. 2001. “The Re-orientation of Technology: A View from Tillich's Philosophical Theology,” Journal on Religious Philosophy, Vol.7, issue 2 (2001.7), pp. 12-29 (in Chinese)
  28. 2000. “Humanity and Christ: Barth's Christological Anthropology and the Confucian-Christian Dialogue,” Karl Barth and Sino-Christian Theology. Eds. Andres Tang & Lai Pan-chiu. Hong Kong: Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, 2000, pp.291-325 (in Chinese)
  29. 2000. “From Dialectic to Analogy? An Examination on Karl Barth's Theological Epistemology,” Karl Barth and Sino-Christian Theology. Eds. Andres Tang & Lai Pan-chiu. Hong Kong: Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, 2000, pp.101-122 (in Chinese)
  30. 1999. “Karl Barth’s Christological Anthropology and Christian-Confucian Dialogue,” Ching Feng, 42/1-2, (March-June 1999), pp.1-33.
  1. 2003. John J. Carey, Paulus, Then and Now: A Study of Paul Tillich’s Theological World and the Continuing Relevance of his Work, Hill Road, Nov 2003 Vol.6 No.2, pp.166-171. (in Chinese)