The Theological Council

Under the Chung Chi College, Board of Trustees, responsible for Divinity School of Chung Chi College


The Rev. Dr. Eric S.Y. SO


The Rev. Canon Dr. CHAN Hin Cheung


Ex-officio Members

Prof. FONG Wing Ping (Head of Chung Chi College)

Ms. TANG Wing Yan (Hon. Treasurer; Representative of the Finance Office of CUHK)

Prof. Francis C.W. YIP (Hon. Secretary; Director of DSCCC)

Appointed Members

The Rev. CHAN Chi Kin (The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China)

The Rev. CHAU Kim Hung, Wilfrid (Hong Kong Pentecostal Holiness Church)

Dr. FUNG Siu Hung (Tsung Tsing Mission of Hong Kong)

The Rev. LAM Ngai Wan, Jerix (Hong Kong Pentecostal Holiness Church)

The Rev. Dr. LAM Sung Che (The Methodist Church, Hong Kong)

The Rev. LEUNG Kam Wa (Tsung Tsing Mission of Hong Kong)

The Rev. Dr. LI Ping Kwong (The Methodist Church, Hong Kong)

Nominated Members

The Rev. Dr. CHU Wing Sang, Calvin (Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College)

The Very Rev. FAN Chun Ho Samson Jeremiah (Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College)

Prof. Simon S.M. KWAN (Representative of the faculty members)

The Rev. LAM Chun, Tim (Representative of the Alumni Association)

Prof. PANG Lai Kwan (Chairperson, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies)

Co-opted Members

Prof. CHAN Ying Shing

Mr. Alfred W.F. HAU

Mr. Charles K.M. LO

(The list is sorted in alphabetical order)