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Grants & Funding

The following tables list main external grants of our department awarded during the recent 10 years.

RGC General Research Fund (GRF) Grant
Funding Year Principal Investigator Project Title
2020  Prof. Chan, Kin-wai A General Framework: Difference-based Variance Estimators
2020  Prof. Lin, Yuanyuan Semiparametric and Nonparametric Inference of Survival Data
2020  Prof. Lin, Zhixiang Statistical Methods for Dimension Reduction in Single-cell Genomics Leveraging Bulk Genomic Data
2020  Prof. Sit, Tony Challenges in Censored Quantile Regression: Time-dependent Covariates, Heterogeneity and Distributed Systems
2020  Prof. Song, Xinyuan Extended Transformation Mean Residual Life Models and New Inference Approaches
2020  Prof. Wei, Yingying Fine-Scale Inference for Aggregate-Level DNA Methylation Data

2019  Prof. Chan, Kin-wai  Multiple Incompatibility Problems in Multiple Imputation Procedures 
2019  Prof. Fan, Xiaodan  Consistent Model-free Ultra-high Dimensional Variable Selection for Binary Response 
2019  Prof. Lin, Yuanyuan

Statistical Analysis of Distributed Case-control Studies 

2019  Prof. Lin, Zhixiang  A Unified Framework for Jointly Modeling and Clustering Multiple Data Types in Single-cell Genomics 
2019  Prof. Song, Xinyuan  Joint Modeling of Zero-inflated and Partially Ordered Data with Latent Variables 
2019  Prof. Wei, Yingying  Statistical Methods for Estimating a Set of Phylogenetic Trees 
2019  Prof. Yam, Phillip, Sheung-chi  Shape-constrained Inference: Testing for Monotonicity 
2019  Prof. Yau, Chun-yip Predicting Future Change-points in Time Series 

2018  Prof. Chan, Ngai-hang  Inference for Multiple Change-Points of High-Dimensional Time Series 
2018  Prof. Fang, Xiao  Cramér-Type Moderate Deviations by Stein's Method 
2018  Prof. Poon, Wai-yin  Adaptive Treatment Allocation Strategies in Clinical Studies with Survival and Categorical Data 
2018  Prof. Sit, Tony  Censored Quantile Regression with Time-dependent Covariates and Other Extensions 
2018  Prof. Song, Xinyuan  Bayesian Scalar- and Latent Factor-on-image Regression with Nonignorable Nonresponses 
2018  Prof. Wei, Yingying  Bayesian Methods for Time-to-event Data on a Social Network 

2017  Prof. Fan, Xiaodan   Automatic Detection of Differentially Methylated Regions Based on Array or Sequencing Data 
2017 Prof. Fang, Xiao Kolmogorov Bounds for Normal and Non-normal Approximations 
2017  Prof. Shao, Qiman   Deep Study of Stein's Method 
2017  Prof. Song, Xinyuan   Semiparametric Hidden Markov Latent Variable Models for the Analysis of Multivariate Longitudinal Data 
2017  Prof. Wei, Yingying   Bayesian Graph-valued Regression 
2017  Prof. Yam, Phillip, Sheung-chi    New Kinds of Forward-backward Stochastic Systems with Applications 
2017  Prof. Yau, Chun-yip   Locally Asymptotic Minimax Estimator of Long-run Covariance Matrix 
2016  Prof. Chan, Ngai-hang  Prediction Perspectives of Nearly Non-Stationary Processes 
2016 Prof. Cheung, Siu-hung Response-adaptive Designs in Non-inferiority Clinical Trials 
2016  Prof. Lin, Yuanyuan  Statistical inference for Quantile Regression: Nearly Semiparametric Efficient Estimation and Flexible Composite Quantile Regression 
2016  Prof. Sit, Tony  On Censored Quantile Regression 
2016  Prof. Wei, Yingying Statistical Modeling for Heterogeneous Dynamic Transcription Factor Networks 
2015 Prof. Chan, Ping-shing Statistical Inference and Optimal Design of System-Based Reliability Experiments
2015 Prof. Fan, Xiaodan Bayesian Integrative Clustering for Combining Vectorial Data and Network Data
2015 Prof. Shao, Qiman Asymptotic Theory of Mean field Spin Glass Models
2015 Prof. Song, Xinyuan Regression Analysis of Mean Residual Life Models with Latent Variables
2015 Prof. Wong, Hoi-ying High Dimensional Dynamic Portfolio Selection
2015 Prof. Yam, Phillip, Sheung-chi Advance in Mean Field Theory
2015 Prof. Yau, Chun-yip Inference for Multiple Change-points in Time Series

2014 Prof. Chan, Ngai-hang High-dimensional Regressions of Change-point Estimation in Time Series
2014 Prof. Cheung, Siu-hung Non-inferiority Clinical Trials with Multiple Experimental Treatments
2014 Prof. Sit, Tony A Unified Approach to Semiparametric Accelerated Failure Time Models under General Biased Sampling Schemes
2014 Prof. Song, Xinyuan Development of Bayesian Local Inference Methods and Related Computer Programs for Advanced Structural Equation Models
2013 Prof. Chan, Ngai-hang Statistical Inference for Nonstationary Time Series
2013 Prof. Fan, Xiaodan Bayesian Model-based Clustering of the Conformational Space of Biomolecules
2013 Prof. Lin, Yuanyuan Statistical Inference for Relative Error-based Regression: Estimation and Model Selection
2013 Prof. Shao, Qiman Multiple Hypothesis Testing and Theory of Moderate Deviations
2013 Prof. Yau, Chun-yip Efficient Estimation in Multiple-regime Threshold Models

2012 Prof. Cheung, Siu-hung Adaptive Treatment Allocation Schemes using Urn Models in Clinical Studies
2012 Prof. Poon, Wai-yin A Unified Location-scale-family Modeling Approach for Multiple Group Analysis with Ordinal Responses
2012 Prof. Yam, Phillip, Sheung-chi Advanced Topics In Multivariate Risk Management In Finance and Insurance
2012 Prof. Yau, Chun-yip Change-point Estimation in Complicated Stochastic Systems

2011 Prof. Song, Xinyuan Transformation Structural Equation Models for Analyzing Highly Non-normal Data
2011 Prof. Wong, Hoi-ying Applications and Theories of Co-integration Dynamics for Financial Mathematics
2010 Prof. Chan, Ngai-hang Empirical Likelihood and Jacknife Methods for Time Series
2010 Prof. Chan, Ping-shing Progressively Hybrid Censoring Schemes
2010 Prof. Cheung, Siu-hung Power, Correct Decision and Sample Size Determination in Multiple Testing
2010 Prof. Shao, Qi-Man Normal and Non-normal Approximation by Stein's Method

2009 Prof. Fan, Xiaodan Bayesian Data Integration Approach for Cell-Cycle Gene Network Inference
2009 Prof. Lee, Sik-yum Developments of Nonparametric Structural Equation Models and Related Computer Programs
2009 Prof. Song, Xinyuan Inference for DTARCH and FARCH Models Based on Composite Weighted Quantile Regression
2009 Prof. Wong, Po-shing Credit Risk Bucketing with Fixed Zones of Probability of Default
2009 Prof. Yam, Phillip, Sheung-chi What is the Right Time to Sell a Stock?

2008 Prof. Chan, Ngai-hang Statistical Inference for Heavy-tailed and Long-memory Time Series
2008 Prof. Chan, Ping-shing Optimal Sample Size Allocation in Extreme-value Regression
2008 Prof. Cheung, Siu-hung Statistical Inference and Testing for Covariate-adjusted Response-adaptive Designs
2008 Prof. Song, Xinyuan Bayesian Analysis for Mixture of Structural Equation Models with Covariates and Missing Data
2008 Prof. Wong, Hoi-ying American Option Pricing under CEV
2008 Prof. Wong, Po-shing Biostatistical Applications of Monotone Splines Mixed Effects Modeling
2008 Prof. Yam, Phillip, Sheung-chi Application of Theory of Rough Paths to Some Issues in Geometry
2007 Prof. Lee, Sik-yum Semiparametric Methods and Computer Programs for Analyzing Latent Variable Models with Nonnormal Data from Highly Skewed, Heavy-tailed and/or Heterogeneous Distributions
2007 Prof. Song, Xinyuan Development of Dynamic Statistical Models and Computing Programs for Analyzing Longitudinal Multivariate Data with Continuous, Discrete, and Missing Components
2007 Prof. Wu, Eden Ka-ho Nonlinear Benchmarking and Survey Error Modeling

2006 Prof. Chan, Ngai-hang Empirical Likelihood Methods for Heteroscedastic Time Series
2006 Prof. Poon, Wai-yin Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data with Misclassification
2006 Prof. Wong, Hoi-ying Embedded Options in Insurance Contracts with Stochastic Interest Rate and Volatility

External Grants from Other Major Funding Sources
Investigator (Role) Fund Category:
Project Title
2018 Prof. Song, Xinyuan (Co-I) National Natural Science Foundation of China:
Likelihood-based Inference of Parametric and Semiparametric Models
2017 Prof. Song, Xinyuan (Co-I) National Natural Science Foundation of China:
Bayesian Joint Modeling for Interval Censored Data with Latent Variables
2017  Prof. Yau, Chun-yip (PI)  Data-driven Evaluation of Used Cars 
2016 Prof. Fan, Xiaodan (Co-PI) Theme-based Research Scheme:
Gastric Cancer Genomics and Beyond – Moving from Patient Samples to 3D Organoid Cultures for Integrative Genomics Analysis, Drug Sensitivity Assays, Cell Biological Studies and Animal Models
2015 Prof. Shao, Qiman (PI)

Croucher Conference:
4th Institute of Mathematical Statistics - Asia Pacific Rim Meeting (IMS-APRM)

2015 Prof. Song, Xinyuan (PI) National Natural Science Foundation of China:
Nonparametric Bayesian Analysis of Transformation Structural Equation Models
2013 Prof. Chan, Ngai-hang (Co-I) Collaborative Research Fund:
Syndromic Surveillance and Modeling for Infectious Diseases
2013 Prof. Cheung, Siu-hung (PI) Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education:
Intermediate Statistics: Survey Sampling and Data Analysis
2013 Prof. Fan, Xiaodan (Co-I) Theme-based Research Scheme:
An Integrated Trans-omics Approach to Diabetic Cardio-renal Complications: From Novel Discoveries to Personalized Medicine
2012 Prof. Poon, Wai-yin (Co-I) Education Bureau:
Programme for International Student Assessment 2015 in Hong Kong
2010 Prof. Fan, Xiaodan (Co-I) Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Grant:
Developing a Platform to Deliver Personalized Healthcare Using Genotype-based Risk Algorithms to Predict Diabetes and Diabetic Complications
2009 Prof. Chan, Ngai-hang (Co-I) Collaborative Research Fund:
Self-cognizant Prognostics for Electronics-rich Systems
2009 Prof. Fan, Xiaodan (Co-I) UGC Areas of Excellence Scheme:
Institute of Network Coding
2009 Prof. Wong, Po-shing (Co-I) Health and Health Services Research Fund:
Establish Spirometric Reference Standards for Preschool Children in Hong Kong
2007 Prof. Song, Xinyuan (Co-I) Health, Welfare & Food Bureau-Research Fund for the Control of Infections Diseases (RFCID):
Examination of Inter-relationships between Chronic Hepatitis B Viral Infection and Genotypes Pathways on Cardiovascular and Renal Complications in HK Type 2 Diabetes Patients Using Novel Structural Equation Models