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2009年4月24日 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Employee's General Union E-Newsletter 24 Apr 2009 |
呼籲關注:城大百名合約教員面臨裁員 | ||
本會得悉城市大學近日拒絕與約一百名合約期滿的教師續約(其中部份人收到只獲續約半年的通知)。城大教職員協會於今天中午發起集會,抗議城大為爭世界排名而大幅裁員換血,毋視對教育質素的打擊。本會呼籲中文大學同工密切關注事件,如有可能,盡量到場聲援。詳情見下文轉載城大教職員協會的呼籲。 |
Call for Support: Contract Teaching Staff at City to be Laid off | ||
Next time it will be you... Save City U The Senior Management of the CityU is sacking 100 staff. Across the board, Instructors, Lecturers and Assistant Professors whose contracts are due to expire have been given no contract renewal or a six-month terminal contract, regardless of the level of performance. This is unacceptable! This blow is delivered at a time when CityU is sitting on a huge surplus, and unemployment is on the rise in Hong Kong. Worse still, the sacking of dedicated and competent colleagues, many of whom have been on contract for years, will ultimately lead to an inevitable decline in the quality of education provided to the next generation. This is NOT GOOD FOR OUR STUDENTS and NOT GOOD FOR HONG KONG! We must NOT allow the Senior Management to dictate terms and dismiss teaching staff with NO VALID REASON. Despite the fact that Departmental Staffing Committees and College Staff Committees have recommended contract renewals, they are being terminated by the top management with NO reason and due explanation. This is outrageous. We, including those substantiated ones, must not let such a dictatorial act go unchallenged, even though management has denied they even considered such a plan (after much publicity in the local press generated by the CityU Public Relations Office). Therefore, in order to safeguard quality teaching at CityU, and to protect the best interests of ALL staff (contract or substantiated) and students, we must come out and say NO to UNFAIR DISMISSAL! CityU is a public institution — it is not a private company at the mercy of the owner. Our real master is the citizens of Hong Kong: we must strive to ensure that their children receive the best quality education we can offer, and not just focus on research in some ego-driven bid to climb the world ranking ladder at all costs. The CityU Staff Association calls on EVERYONE to join our demonstration tomorrow. Particulars are as follows: Date: Friday (Tomorrow) April 24, 2009 A number of LegCo members have agreed to join us and support our demands.
What the Senior Management is doing is NOT GOOD FOR STUDENTS, NOT GOOD
FOR CITYU AND NOT GOOD FOR THE HONG KONG COMMUNITY. because next time it will be you... and by then it will be too late!
香港中文大學員工總會 |