- 新的校董會必須增加民選成份及各同大學持份者的參與。觀乎諮詢文件附件4所載現時各教資會資助院校的校董會組成,職員及學生代表已經是標準組成部份。這說明社會對公帑資助院校的管治架構,已有這種對校政民主、持份者參與的期望及共識,中大應當效法。
- 為了延續及發揚中大書院制的傳統,改組後的校董會即使無法容納所有書院的代表,亦必須在校董會下設位機制,確保各書院的聲音得以在校董會發揮作用。
- 考慮新校董會的組成及權責的同時,必須考慮權力制衡及監察的機制,例如是否成立Court、Court與校董會的關係,以及現時其他二級管治架構,如行政與計劃委員會及教務會等,是否能有效及有意義地採納不同持份者的意見。
會長 吳曉真
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Dear members and colleagues:
Call for Participation at Mar 23 Consultation
Session on Council Reorganization
The Ad Hoc Committee on Council Reorganization, sent last week a mass
mail to all staff, students and alumni regarding the consultation on Council
reorganization. The plan to reorganize the Council has been deliberated
for some years. Despite the consultation arrangements being slightly hasty,
it is indeed encouraging that the Ad Hoc committee has now invited all
the University constituents to provide views on the issue without a fixed
proposal and with a consultation document that is rather fair and substantial
( http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/council-reorganization/ConsultationDocument_English.pdf).
Consultation Channels
As the Council is conducting the consultation with a relatively liberal
attitude, CUEGU would like to urge our CU colleagues to take up the responsibility
and make use of the opportunity, to take part in the consultation and
express views on the composition and jurisdiction of the reorganized Council.
Details of the consultation session for staff members are as follow:
Date: Monday, March 23, 2009
Starting time: 4:30 p.m.
Venue: Room G04, Y.C. Liang Hall, CUHK
Colleges may also give their views to the Ad Hoc Committee in writing
via council_reorganization@cuhk.edu.hk
or by post c/o Secretary's Office, University Administration Building,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong preferably before Tuesday, March 24,
2009. The Committee requests that names, capacities as staff, student,
alumnus or other members of the University and correspondence address
of be indicated on the submissions. The Union also welcomes colleagues
to send us their views (cuegu@cuhk.edu.hk).
We can help channel your views should you find it.
Recommendations thus Far
As mentioned above, the Ad Hoc Committee has not made any proposals yet.
The only decisions that have been made are: 1) the number of Council members
is to be reduced from 56 to around 25; and 2) the Council should comprise
a majority of external (non-staff) members at a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 against
the number of internal members.
CUEGU is of the view that a Council in a reduced size facilitates greater
effectiveness and efficiency. In order to enhance the
effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and accountability of CU’s governance,
CUEGU’s preliminary views are that:
- The reorganized Council should comprise more
elected members and be more inclusive to different university stakeholders.
Appendix 4 of the consultation document shows that staff and student
representatives are now standard components of the Councils of different
UGE-funded institutes. The trend suggests that there is a consensus
for democratic governance and stakeholder participations for publically
funded institutes. It is only reasonable that our University should
follow suit.
- To continue and exalt CU’s unique tradition
of college system, the reorganized Council should guarantee that
the voices of the Colleges are given their due importance in the Council.
Even though it may not be possible for the new Council to accommodate
representatives of all the Colleges, the Council should consider establishing
some of mechanism to channel their views.
- The check-and-balance of the reorganized
Council should be considered at the same time when its composition and
terms of reference are being reviewed. For example, issues like whether
or not a Court should be establish, the Court’s relation to the Council,
whether or not the current secondary governance structures, like the
Adminstrative and Planning Committee and Senate, can sufficiently and
meaningfully address stakeholder’s views, should also be considered.
CUEGU welcome any views on the above; again, we urge you to express
your views through the above mentioned channels.
Emily Ng
President, CUEGU
Mar 19, 2009
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