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In order to promote the discipline in Hong Kong, the Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) came to an agreement with the Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong) on 31 July 2013. With sponsorship provided by the latter under the agreement, RIH launched the ‘Islamic Studies Initiative’ (ISI) on 13 September 2013. On 12 May 2015, ISI was approved by the management of the university to become the Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture (CSIC).
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Lectures Given by Academic Visitor Prof. Suleyman Derin (1-4February 2016)
Release time:2016-4-2 11:30:56
Speaker: Prof. Suleyman Derin, Faculty of Theology, Marmara University, Turkey
Suleyman Derin was born in 1968 in Turkey. He graduated from the Faculty of Theology in 1991, and in the same year he started working as a research assistant in the Faculty of Theology. He completed his Ph.D. in 1999 at Leeds University, in the UK. The title of his thesis is "Towards Some Paradigms on the Sufi Conception of Love: From Râbia to Ibn al-Fârid". Since then, he has been teaching in Marmara University, the Faculty of Theology, in Istanbul. He was appointed as full time professor in 2012. He has a couple of books in the field of Sufism as well as many articles.
Divine love in Sufism, Insan Publications, 2008 (in English)
İngiliz Oryantalizmi ve Tasavvuf, Küre Yayınları, İstanbul, 2006. (The British Orientalists' approach to Sufism, in Turkish)
Kuran'daSeyr uSüluk, İstanbul, 2012, (The spiritual Training in The Quran, in Turkish)
1. Introduction to Sufism
Date: 1 February 2016, Monday
Time: 10:30-13:15
Venue: Room 208, Lee ShauKee Building, CUHK
2. The Difference between Islamic Mysticism and Other Mystical Movements
Date: 3 February 2016, Wednesday
Time: 16:00-17:30
Venue: Room 220, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK
3. Tazkiyatun’n-Nafs: The Purification of the Heart in Islam
Date: 4 February 2016, Thursday
Time: 18:30-20:00
Venue: 6th Floor, Seminar Room, Wanchai Mosque