Dr. Wong Wai Tat
Specialist in Critical Care Medicine MBBS (HK), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edin), EDIC FHKCP, FHKAM (Medicine), PDipID (HK).

Assistant Professor

Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
The Chinese University of Hong Kong



For details about citations arising from my publications and links to online versions of some of the publications, refer to:

Researcher ID:H-1161-2014

  1. Wong WT, Gomersall CD. Adaptive support ventilation of cardiac surgical patients: A component of a complex intervention. J Crit Care. 2017;37:251.

  2. Lee A, Cheung YSL, Joynt GM, Leung CCH, Wong WT, Gomersall CD. Are high nurse workload/staffing ratios associated with decreased survival in critically ill patients? A cohort study. Annals of intensive care. 2017;7(1):46.

  3. Wong WT, Lai VK, Chee YE, Lee A, (2016) Fast-track cardiac care for adult cardiac surgical patients. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 9: Cd003587

  4. Tam MK, Wong WT, Gomersall CD, Tian Q, Ng SK, Leung CC, Underwood MJ, (2016) A randomized controlled trial of 2 protocols for weaning cardiac surgical patients receiving adaptive support ventilation. J Crit Care 33: 163-168

  5. Wai-Tat WONG, Gavin M. Joynt. Chapter 11: End-of-life care. Quality Management in Intensive Care: A practical Guide, Cambridge University Press 2016

  6. Ling L, Gomersall CD, Samy W, Joynt GM, Leung C, Wong WT, Lee A, (2016) The Effect of a Freely Available Flipped Classroom Course on Health Care Worker Patient Safety Culture: A Prospective Controlled Study. Journal of medical Internet research 18: e180

  7. WONG WT, Gordon Choi, Charles D Gomersall, Jeffrey Lipman. To increase or decrease dosage of antimicrobials in septic patients during continuous renal replacement therapy: the eternal doubt. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2015, 24:68-78

  8. Wai-Tat WONG, Czarina Leung, Gavin Joynt. An unconscious patient with positive anti-Ganglioside Antibody – Bickerstaff Encephalitis. Poster presentation. World Congress of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine 2015.

  9. Wai-Tat WONG, Anna Lee, Czarina Leung, Charles Gomersall. Fitness for discharge from ICU at 8 hours after cardiac surgery. Poster Presentation, 3rd Singapore-ANZICS Intensive Care Forum 2015

  10. Leung CCH, Goynt G, Wong WT, Gomersall CD. Usefulness of a Mobile Application in Undergraduate Critical Care Teaching (abstract). Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 2015, 3(Suppl 1):A857

  11. Joynt GM, Wong WT. Ten diseases you need to know if you want to be a critical care specialist in Hong Kong. Intensive Care Med. Intensive Care Med. 2014 Aug 40 (8): 1144-6

  12. Wong WT, Cheung WM, Chow FL. The change of adrenocortical function in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock from acute phase to recovery phase. Poster Presentation, 2nd Singapore-ANZICS Intensive Care Forum 2013.

  13. Wong WT, Tsang A, Chow FL. End of life practices in intensive care unit of a general district hospital in Hong Kong. Poster Presentation, 2nd Singapore-ANZICS Intensive Care Forum 2013
