School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

Richard Oreffo Adjunct Professor

DPhil, DSc (Oxon), CBiol, FRSB, FIOR


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Prof. Richard Oreffo holds the chair of Musculoskeletal Science and is co-founder and Director of the Centre for Human Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration. He has held positions in USA, AstraZeneca, and University of Oxford before being appointed to a lectureship in 1999 at the University of Southampton. Richard is internationally recognised for his work on skeletal biology and the mechanisms involved in skeletal stem cell differentiation and bone regeneration.

Richard leads a multidisciplinary research group focused on developing strategies to repair bone & cartilage with translation through to patient benefit a personal key driver. His research led to the first 3D titanium bone stem cell impaction graft operation in the UK.

Richard manages a significant research grant portfolio and has published over 310 peer-reviewed full papers (H-index 69; >17,500 citations ISI WoS; H-index 80 and >26,000 citations Google Scholar) including breakthrough publications on skeletal stem cells and nanotopography, bone regeneration as well as epigenetics and holds 6 patents.

Richard holds a number of visiting professorships including at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Joint Partnership laboratory), Taipei Medical University, China Medical University as well as advisory board positions on EU/SME and Pharma. In 2015, Richard was awarded a Doctor of Science by the University of Oxford. He is founder / CSO and a Director at Renovos Biologics Limited; is on the editorial boards of five journals, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and, in 2019 was elected a Fellow of International Orthopaedic Research. In June 2020, Richard established The Cowrie Scholarship Foundation to support disadvantaged Black British students to attend leading UK Universities.