School of Biomedical Sciences
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學

Chen YCAssociate Professor


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  508A, Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building, Area 39, CUHK






Prof. CHEN Yangchao (陳揚超) is currently an Associate Professor at School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He obtained his Ph.D. from Sun Yat-sen University in 2003 and later on was trained as a postdoctoral fellow at University of Washington, Seattle. He has been faculty member as Research Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at Faculty of Medicine CUHK since 2007. His research interests include epigenetics in cancer, histone modification particularly methylation, long and short non-coding RNAs, development of novel therapeutics for liver and pancreatic cancer. The ultimate goal of his lab is aimed at the identification of novel diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets for pancreatic and liver cancer.

  1. Identification of novel diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets for digestive cancers including pancreatic cancer and liver cancer.
  2. Identification and characterization of long and short non-coding RNAs with critic roles in cancer.
  3. Identification of cancer associated genes using large scale genetic perturbation screen such as CRISPR/CAS9.
  4. Functional roles of EZH2 in cancer.
  5. Development of novel therapeutics for cancer.
  1. Wong, C.H., Lou, U.K., Li, Y., Chan, S.L., Tong, J.H.M., To, K.F., Chen, Y.* (2020). CircFOXK2 Promotes Tumor Growth and Metastasis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma via Complexing with RNA Binding Proteins and Sponging MiR-942. Cancer Res., 80, 2138-2149.
  2. Lou, U.K., Wong, C.H., Chen, Y.* (2020). A simple and rapid colorimetric detection of serum lncRNA biomarkers for diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.  RSC Advances. 10, 8087-8092.
  3. Wong, C.H., Li, C.H., He, Q., Chan, S.L., Tong, J.H.M., To, K.F., Lin, L.Z., Chen, Y.* (2020). Ectopic HOTTIP expression induces noncanonical transactivation pathways to promote growth and invasiveness in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Cancer Lett., 477, 1-9.
  4. Xu, F., Li, C.H., Wong, C.H., Chen, G.G., Lai, P.B.S., Shao, S., Chan, S.L., Chen, Y.* (2019). Genome-wide screening and functional analysis identifies tumor suppressor long non-coding RNAs epigenetically silenced in hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res., 79, 1305-1317.
  5. Wong, C.H., & Chen, Y. (2019). Clinical significance of exosomes as potential biomarkers in cancer. World Journal of Clinical Cases, 7(2), 171-190.
  6. Li, C.H., Tang, S.C., Wong, C.H., Wang, Y., Jiang, J.D., & Chen, Y. (2018). Berberine induces miR-373 expression in hepatocytes to inactivate hepatic steatosis associated AKT-S6 kinase pathway. European Journal of Pharmacology, 825, 107-118.
  7. Xiao, Z., & Chen, Y. (2017). Identification of Small Molecule Modulators of MicroRNA by Library Screening. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1517, 169-178.
  8. Li, C.H., Xiao, Z., Tong, J., To, K.F., Fang, X., Cheng, A.S.L., & Chen, Y. (2017). EZH2 Coupled with HOTAIR to Silence MicroRNA-34a by the induction of heterochromatin formation in Human Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. International Journal of Cancer, 140, 120-129.
  9. Lau, O.C., Shen, B., Wong, C.O., Tjong, Y.W., Lo, C.Y., Wang, H.C., Huang, Y., Yung, W.H., Chen, Y., Fung, M.L., Rudd, J.A., & Yao, X. (2016). TRPC5 channels participate in pressure-sensing in aortic baroreceptors. Nature Communications, 7, 11947.
  10. Li, C.H., & Chen, Y. (2015). Small and Long Non-Coding RNAs: Novel Targets in Perspective Cancer Therapy. Current Genomics, 16, 319-326.
  11. Xiao, Z., Li, C.H., Chan, S.L., Xu, F., Feng, L., Wang, Y., Jiang, J.D., Sung, J.J.Y., Cheng, C.H.K., & Chen, Y. (2014). A small molecule modulator of the tumor suppressor miRNA-34a inhibits the growth of hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Research, 74(21), 6236-6247.
  12. Li, C.H., Xu, F., Chow, S.C., Feng, L., Yin, D., Ng, T.B., & Chen, Y. (2014). Hepatitis B virus X protein promotes hepatocellular carcinoma transformation through interleukin-6 activation of microRNA-21 expression. European Journal of Cancer, 50, 2560-2569.
  13. Tang, S.C,. & Chen, Y. (2014). Novel Therapeutic Targets for Pancreatic Cancer. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 20(31), 10825-10844.
  14. Xiao, Z.G., Chow, S.C., Li, C.H., Tang, S.C., Tsui, S.K.W., Lin, Z.X., & Chen, Y. (2014). Role of microRNA-95 in the anticancer activity of Brucein D in hepatocellular carcinoma. European Journal of Pharmacology, 728, 141-150.
  15. Li, C.H., & Chen, Y. (2013). Targeting long non-coding RNAs in cancers: Progress and perspective. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 45(8), 1895-1910.
  16. Li, C.H., To, K.F., Tong, J.H., Xiao, Z., Xia, T., Lai, P.B., Chow, S.C., Zhu, Y.X., Chan, S.L., Marquez, V.E., & Chen, Y. (2013). Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 Silences microRNA-218 in Human Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cells by Inducing Formation of Heterochromatin. Gastroenterology, 144, 1086-1097.
  17. Cheng, A.S.L., Lau, S.S., Chen, Y., Kondo, Y., Li, M.S., Feng, H., Ching, A.K., Cheung, P.K., Wong, K.H., Jin, H., Choy, R., Yu, J., To, K.F., Wong, N., Huang, T.H., & Sung, J.J.Y. (2011). EZH2–mediated concordant repression of Wnt antagonists promotes β- catenin –dependent hepatocarcinogenesisi. Cancer Research, 71, 4028-4039.
  18. Wong, W.T., Tian, X.Y., Chen, Y., Leung, F.P., Wong, S.L., Lee, H.K., Ng, C.F., Yao, X., Vanhoutte, Tipoe G., & Huang, Y. (2010). COX-2 up-regulation and prostaglandin F2α mediate bone morphogenic protein 4-induced endothelial dysfunction in hypertension. Circulation Research, 107, 984-991.
  19. Chen, Y., Lin, M.C., Yao, H., Wang, H., Zhang, A.Q., Yu, J., Hui, C.K., Lau, G.K., He, M.L., Sung, J., & Kung, H.F. (2007). Lentivirus-mediated RNA interference targeting enhancer of zeste homolog 2 inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma growth through down-regulation of stathmin. Hepatology, 46, 200-208.
  20. Chen, Y., Stamatoyannopoulos, G., & Song, C.Z. (2003). Down-regulation of CXCR4 by inducible expression of siRNAs inhibited breast cancer cell invasion in vitro. Cancer Research, 63, 4801-4804.
  1. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-20]: "Characterization of the anti-metastatic function of POU4F3 in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and delineate its underlying mechanism" (HK$953,013).
  2. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-19]: "Characterization of the novel KRAS-driven STK32B kinase and identification of selective inhibitors for therapeutic intervention in pancreatic cancer" (HK$868,956).
  3. 廣州循證醫藥科技有限公司 [PI; 25-Jan-18 to 24-Jan-20]: "片仔癀膠囊治療中晚期原發性肝癌(肝熱血瘀證)的臨床研究: 血清游離DNA與外泌體檢測" (RMB950,000).
  4. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-18 to 31-Dec-20]: "Genome-wide identification of circular RNAs with critical roles in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma" (HK$1,225,785).
  5. Guangzhou Evidence-based Medicine Tech. Co. Ltd. [PI; 15-Jul-17 to 31-Dec-18]: "Investigation of the Cell Free DNAs and Exosome in Serum Samples of HCC Patients Treated with Pianzaihuan" (HK$1,159,000).
  6. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-17 to 31-Dec-19]: "Identification of Novel Tumor Suppressor Long Non-coding RNAs Epigenetically Silenced in Hepatocellular Carcinoma" (HK$1,000,716).
  7. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) [PI; 01-Jan-17 to 30-Dec-20]: "Identification of Noel Therapeutic Targets for Pancreatic Cancer Genome-wide RNAi Screening in Vivo (Awarded amount: RMB570,000; no funding transferred to CUHK)" (RMB570,000).
  8. Innovation & Technology Commission-Innovation and Technology [PI; 01-Jun-15 to 30-Nov-16]: "Metabolism and Pharmacokinetic Analysis of a Small Molecule Modulator of Tumor Suppressor microRNA-34a" (HK$1,398,664).
  9. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-15 to 31-Dec-17]: "Characterization of a Novel Long Non-coding RNA AK311005 with Potential Tumor Suppressive Role in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma" (HK$763,494).
  10. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) [PI; 01-Jan-15 to 31-Dec-18]: "非編碼小RNA-34a(microRNA-34a)小分子調控劑的抗肝癌效應及作用機制研究 (Project Awarded: RMB 750,000; no funding transferred to Hong Kong)" (RMB750,000).
  11. Horizontal Project Funded by Enterprise "橫向項目" [PI; 31-Oct-14 to 30-Jun-16]: "Role of microRNA in the Multiple Target Effect of Berberine (Project Awarded: RMB 300,000; no funding transferred to Hong Kong)" (RMB300,000).
  12. SZ Science & Technology Innovation Commission - SZ R & D Funds of Science and Technology [PI; 03-Jan-14 to 31-Dec-14]: "The Molecular Mechanism of Polycomb Group Protein EZH2 Regulation on miR-34a in Pancreatic Cancer and its Significance (Project Awarded: RMB45,000; no funding transferred to Hong Kong)" (RMB45,000).
  13. RGC - General Research Fund [PI; 01-Jan-14 to 31-Dec-16]: "Identification and Functional Characterization of Long Non-coding RNAs Associated with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma" (HK$1,299,049).