Teaching & Learning@CUHK
Professional Development
Learning Enhancement
Research for Scholarship
Past Events
2009~2010 Semester 2
Becoming an Excellent Teacher
Mapping student characteristics
Evaluating your teaching
Teaching for learning
Framework for Assessment
Tech: Enriching classroom communications through mobile
Tech: Web 2.0
Tech: New teaching and learning opportunities on mobile devices
Performance in the classroom
Active & Interactive Lecturing
Framework for Assessment
The power of voice
Evaluating your teaching
Teaching for learning
Performance in the classroom
Mapping student characteristics
Using technology wisely: A blended approach to reduce your workload
Using your teaching to get promoted at CUHK
Problem-based learning
The power of voice (Teachers and Pgs welcome)
Framework for Assessment
Peer and group assessment
Evaluating your teaching
Tips on publishing work in T&L
Active and interactive lecturing
Rethinking the university curriculum: politics, purposes, principles and priorities
Curriculum Innovation in a Top Research University: Should we teach "product" or "process"?
Teaching for learning
Introducing e-Portfolios in Tertiary Education
Concept mapping
Using technology wisely: Communicating with students
Turning your lectures into video-clips: the care-free Echo 360 system
Using Google docs
Producing and distributing podcasting learning resources
Mentoring TAs
Using clickers
Diagnostic testing
Critical thinking skills
Assessment - devising criteria for different types of assessment
Producing and distributing podcasting learning resources
Turning your lectures into video-clips: the care-free Echo 360 system
Assessment - devising criteria for different types of assessment
Problem-based learning
Using technology wisely: Communicating with students
Systems thinking
Dealing with student diversity
Critical thinking skills
2009~2010 Semester 1
Becoming an Excellent Teacher
Evaluating your teaching
Active and interactive lecturing
A framework for understanding issues in assessment
Using technology wisely. What does Web 2.0 offer?
Teaching for learning
The art of questioning & listening
Peer and group assessment
The power of voice - Teachers and PGs welcome
Things to do and not do when writing multiple-choice items
Evaluating your teaching
Using your teaching to get promoted at CUHK
The power of voice - Teachers only
Performance in the classroom
ePortfolios for Learning
Teaching for learning
A framework for understanding issues in assessment
Mapping student characteristics
Using technology wisely. What does Web 2.0 offer?
Using technology wisely: A blended approach to reduce your workload
Evaluating your teaching
Peer and group assessment
A framework for understanding issues in assessment
Active and interactive lecturing
Teaching for learning
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