Past Events
  2007~2008 Semester 2
Challenge for Change: ICT and blended learning in the four-year curriculum in CUHK
Why do student ratings for engineering and science subjects tend to be lower than for other disciplines?
Adapting study approaches at school to suit the demands of university
Innovative methods of assessment and their impact on learning
Interactive eLearning strategies that engage students
The power of voice
Dos and don'ts for writing multiple-choice items
The Tower and the Cloud: Higher Education and Information Technology in a Web 2.0 Era
Introduction to Academic Life at CUHK
  2007~2008 Semester 1
Using your teaching to support your personnel applications at CUHK
ELearning evaluation: Does your eLearning strategy really support learning?
Obtaining feedback on your teaching
Digital Natives Study - Your experience with technology
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