Learning Outcomes

The design of the curriculum starts from the expectation specified in the University Strategic Plan that CUHK graduates should possess:

  • depth of knowledge in a specialty
  • general knowledge and diverse intellectual appreciations
  • a high level of bilingual proficiency
  • numerate, analytic and IT skills
  • life-long learning and professional development capabilities
  • a habit of reading widely
  • critical and independent thinking
  • effectiveness in communication and teamwork
  • deep understanding of Chinese culture
  • a sense of national identity and pride
  • appreciation of and sensitivity to other cultures and peoples
  • a global perspective
  • compassion, honesty and integrity in relation to self, family and society
  • the ability to contribute as citizen and leader
  • a sense of purpose, responsibility and commitment in life
  • desire to serve
  • taste in their pursuits

(for full extract click here)

The University expects that its graduates should have acquired an appreciation of the values of a broad range of intellectual disciplines as well as general knowledge, and within that wide spectrum, have gained a depth of knowledge within a specialty, not only as an end in itself but also as a vehicle for experience in serious study and enquiry. They should have a high level of bilingual proficiency in Chinese and English, and a basket of skills including numeracy, analytic skills and IT capability appropriate to the modern age, and above all the ability to continue with life-long learning and professional development – in this day and age, that ability will be far more important than factual knowledge acquired during university studies. They should have cultivated a habit of reading widely, learnt to be critical and independent; they should be effective in communication and working in a team. Our students are also expected to have a deep understanding of Chinese culture and with it a sense of national identity and pride; they should also have an appreciation of other cultures, and with that appreciation also a high degree of inter-cultural sensitivity, tolerance and a global perspective. They should have an attitude of compassion, honesty and integrity in relation to self, family and society, and the ability to contribute as citizens and leaders. They should have a sense of purpose, responsibility and commitment in life, a desire to serve, as well as taste in their pursuits.

(From Strategic Plan (2006))

These objectives cascade into linked outcomes at the levels of a programme and an individual course. The learning processes and the assessment methods are aligned with the outcomes, so that there is a consistent effort to help students attain the desired capabilities.