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Training Courses / Talks

General Safety / Laboratory Safety / First Aid / Safe Use DSE / Manual Handling Operation /


Laboratory Safety Training Courses NEW


Safety Talks on Health Hints on the Use of Computer and Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders for Cleansing Workers

安全講座 : 使用電腦的職業健康錦囊 ; 清潔工人──預防筋肌勞損 NEW

  • Date: To Be Announced
  • Detail and Application (pending)


Safety Information for All New Staff - Safety Video

工作安全 健康校園 - 香港中文大學一般安全資訊

觀看影片 online video

本短片給予新入職之丙類員工 或於辦公室工作及須經常使用電腦之乙類員工以下安全資訊:

  • 大學安全組織架構
  • 安全的辦公室環境
  • 安全使用顯示屏幕
  • 戶外工作須知
  • 體力處理操作

語言: 粵語

片長: 23分鐘


Safety Training (2018) for Departmental Safety Coordinators

Download the Training Material: Part 1 , Part 2 (pdf)

* accessible via CUHK intranet only




Public Safety Training and Conferences
Training Courses organize by OSHC







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