Learning to Teach: an Online Education Hub for Professional Craft Knowledge Development
Principal Supervisors

Professor Eunice L.Y. Tang
(Department of Curriculum and Instruction)


1 year and 11 months

Approved Budget

HK $706,636.5

  • Abstract


In teacher education, “learning to teach” has gradually been viewed as professional craft knowledge which is to be developed through the processes of reflection and practical problem-solving that they engage into carrying out the demand of their jobs (Black-Hawkins & Florian, 2012). In this project, a micro-modular approach which reflects a blended pedagogy will be adopted to realize the craft knowledge development in “learning to teach”. In each micro-module, the learning package will consist of (i) recommended reading materials about the topic, (ii) selected video clips of authentic classroom teaching in local schools (5-10 minutes each) with accompanied lesson plans and instructional materials, and (iii) guided questions for self-reflection and problem-solving discussion. The target users of this “learning to teach” platform are undergraduate and postgraduate students from the Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. By capturing the subject-specific knowledge and generic aspects of teaching in authentic classrooms, and making selected and edited video clips available to these student teachers in an eLearning environment for discussion and reflection, the platform will serve as an analytical tool for student-teachers to develop critical awareness of teaching in the local context.