Case-based teaching and learning (T&L) is a well-known pedagogical method for business education. This student-centred, discussion-based T&L approach benefits both students and teachers. It not only helps students prepare for the world of business practice by translating classroom to real-life environment, but also promotes faculty members’ professional development and their stronger relationships with the business community.
Although business teaching cases are available in the market, these cases, predominantly foreign ones, may not suit teachers and students in Hong Kong. Efforts to fill this gap are required. At the same time, there is room for embedding innovative eLearning pedagogies into case-based T&L in order to enhance students’ learning and monitor their progress in different stages. For example, teaching cases may be structured to include micro-modules, videos and/or multimedia materials using an eLearning platform. Students could be engaged in traditional face-to-face classroom discussion, synchronous and asynchronous online activities and a blended approach of learning that align with the eLearning theme of the 2016-19 Academic Development Proposal (ADP) of the University.
In our project, 9 sets of inter-disciplinary cases in local, Chinese or Asian contexts, with teaching notes, videos and/or multimedia materials, will be produced within the project period by a team of case writers. Case writing and teaching workshops and an inter-university conference on case teaching and learning will be organised to promote case T&L in CUHK and among sister tertiary institutions in Hong Kong.