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Resource Book for Sixth-Form Practical Chemistry

Experiment 5

EDTA Titration: Calcium in Calcium Supplements

image:Calcium supplement tablets and a bottle of it Calcium supplement tablets
image: The supplement tablet was ground into fine powder The supplement tablet was ground into fine powder
image: The fine powder is put into an Erlenmeyer flask
image: The tablet powder was dissolved in 3M hydrochloric acid The tablet powder was dissolved in 3M hydrochloric acid
image: A few drops of Calmagite indicator solution was added to the sample solution A few drops of Calmagite indicator solution was added to the sample solution
close-up image: How to operate the stopcock of the burette How to operate the stopcock of the burette
image: The sample solution is pink/wine red in colour before reaching the end-point The sample solution is pink/wine red in colour before reaching the end-point
image: The sample solution turned into blue when the end-point is reached The sample solution turned into blue when the end-point is reached

2004 Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong