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The Chinese University of Hong Kong Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion

Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion
The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
Faculty of Medicine
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Health Consultancy
Consultancy Services and Professional Support on Health Promoting School


Centre provides tailor-made consultancy services to support school health promotion and parent health education with the goal of cultivating holistic development of school children.

1. Student Health Survey and Health Promoting School Evaluation Service

Through surveys and comprehensive assessments, Centre helps schools to identify students’ health beheviour and specific school needs. Centre provides schools with professional advices to effectively develop ‘Health Promoting School’ according to the World Health Organization (WHO) standard.

2. Teachers’ Professional Development and Workplace Health Promotion

Centre organizes various health promoting activities for schools. Previously held activities include Health Promoting School workshop, teachers’ stress management workshop, healthy eating workshop, workshop on identifying and dealing with students with special needs, musculo skeletal health and workplace assessment for teachers and fitball exercise class, etc.

3. Parents’ Education and Parent-child activities

Previously held activities include Parent Health Ambassador Training, traditional Chinese medicine workshop, healthy eating workshop, and various health-related workshops that encourage parent-child interactions such as exercise class, spinal health assessment activity, communication skills workshop, and recipe design activity, etc.

4. Students’ Health Promoting Activities

Previously held activities include Health Pioneer Training Scheme, Smart Kids Weight Management Programme, healthy eating workshop, food label workshop, spinal health workshop, emotion management workshop etc.

Enquiry and Discussion on Collaboration
Academic organizations, schools and parent-teacher associations are welcomed to contact us for further information. Our specialized personnel will provide you with support on health promoting school development and provide tailor-made consultancy service that targets your needs.

Telephone:(852)2693-3708 Fax:(852)2694-0004

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For secondary and primary schools For kindergartens
Service application form
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