Name:LU Na
Post: Full-time Ph.D (3-years)
Enrolled: August 2011- Present
Origin:Mainland China, Shandong Province
First Degree: |
Bachelor's degree of Engineering, Nanchang University, Jiangxi Province
Master Degree |
Master of Philosophy, Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Science |
Supervisor:Matthew T.V. Chan
Title of Thesis:
Transcriptional regulation of pain by nuclear hormone receptors
Outline of the Thesis:
Nuclear receptors are ligand-dependent DNA-binding proteins that translate nutritional, metabolic and pathophysiological signals into gene regulation.They regulate diverse functions, such as proliferation, apoptosis, inflammation and energy metabolism. Here I would like to explore whether some of the nuclear hormone receptors are involved in pain mechanisms, and what are the precise regulation pathways.
1. Explore whether the mRNA and protein expressions of some nuclear hormone receptors are changed in rat CCI and CFA pain models;
2. Use microarray technique to screen the related target genes;
3. Identify whether the screened targets are involved in pain mechanisms;
4. Investigate the clinical relevance of the selected nuclear hormone receptors and their targets.
Publications arising from his research work:
- Liu X, Tian Y, Lu N, Gin T, Cheng CH, Chan MTV. “Stat3 Inhibition Attenuates Mechanical Allodynia Through Transcriptional Regulation of Chemokine Expression in Spinal Astrocytes”. Public Library of Science One 2013;8;10;e75804.