Division / Teaching Staff
Code of Practice (Research Postgraduate Studies)
Dec 2020
Cover Page                                                                                                                                                                                                 Full set of documents
1. Role of Stakeholders    
  1.1 Stakeholders and governance structure 6
  1.2 Interaction between student and Supervisor 7
  1.3 Graduate Panel 9
2. Basic Information on Programmes and Courses   
  2.1 Research postgraduate programmes 10
  2.2 M.Phil.-Ph.D. Programmes 10
  2.3 Strategic goal statement for research postgraduate programmes 11
  2.4 Graduate attributes of research postgraduate programmes 11
  2.5 Modes of study 12
  2.6 Jointly supervised research postgraduate programmes 12
  2.7 Courses 13
  2.8 Course code and sequence 13
  2.9 Cross-institutional courses sharing 14
3. Admissions   
  3.1 Admission process 15
  3.2 Entrance requirements 15
  3.3 Quality of students admitted to research postgraduate programmes 15
4. Registration/Residence Requirements/Leave of Absence  
  4.1 Orientation 17
  4.2 Student registration 17
  4.3 Course selection 17
  4.4 Residence requirements 18
  4.5 Normative and maximum study periods 19
  4.6 Shortening of the normative study period 19
  4.7 Programme change or transfers candidature 20
  4.8 Leave of absence 21
  4.9 Student visa 22
  4.10 Employment 23
5. Supervisors   
  5.1 Assignment of Supervisors 24
  5.2 Eligibility requirements of a Supervisor 24
  5.3 Induction of new Supervisors 25
6. Progress towards Graduation   
  6.1 Graduation requirements 26
  6.2 Course requirements 26
  6.3 Postgraduate students taking undergraduate courses 27
  6.4 Research thesis and oral examination 27
  6.5 Candidature for doctoral degree 27
  6.6 Candidacy Examination or Qualifying Examination 28
  6.7 Improving Postgraduate Learning 28
  6.8 Research Ethics Training 29
  6.9 Other requirements 29
  6.10 Course and unit exemptions 29
  6.11 Study Plan and Progress Report for RPg Studies 29
  6.12 Departmental duties and teaching assistance 30
  6.13 Language policy 30
7. Assessment and Examination   
  7.1 Assessment of academic performance 32
  7.2 Course grades 32
  7.3 Assessment Panel 33
  7.4 Examination administration 33
  7.5 Grade appeal process 34
  7.6 Unsatisfactory performance 34
8. Thesis   
  8.1 Preparation for research and thesis writing 35
  8.2 Research ethics 35
  8.3 Procedures 35
  8.4 Declaration of intention to submit thesis/portfolio 37
  8.5 Thesis Assessment Committee 37
  8.6 Thesis proposal and defence of proposal 38
  8.7 Submission of thesis/portfolio 39
  8.8 Oral examination 40
  8.9 Written examination 40
  8.10 Thesis/Portfolio grades and follow-up actions 40
  8.11 Re-submission 41
  8.12 Deferment of submission of thesis/portfolio 41
  8.13 Submission of final version of thesis/portfolio 42
  8.14 Copyright of RPg theses 42
  8.15 Confidentiality of thesis 42
9. Financial Assistance and Fees  
  9.1 Postgraduate Studentship 43
  9.2 Grants for academic travel and Global Scholarship 44
  9.3 Other financial assistance and scholarships 44
  9.4 Student fees 45
  9.5 Payment schedule of tuition fee 46
10. Academic Honesty and Disciplinary Action
  10.1 Academic honesty 47
  10.2 Infringement of copyright 47
  10.3 Graduate School Disciplinary Committee 48
11. Course Evaluation and Feedback
  11.1  Course and Teaching Evaluation Questionnaire 49
  11.2  Feedback via Progress Report for RPg Studies 49
  11.3  Exit survey (Survey on Research Postgraduate Programmes) 49
12. Credentials
  12.1 Academic results 50
  12.2 Transcripts 50
  12.3 Letter of Certification 50
  12.4 Report on Curriculum Details 50
  12.5 Graduate Certificate 51
  12.6 Replacement of Graduate Certificate 51
  12.7 Certified true copy of the Graduate Certificate 51
13. Appeals and Complaints
  13.1 Complaint process 52
  13.2 Policy against sexual harassment  52
  13.3 Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance 53
  13.4 Whistleblowing Policy 54
14.   Services and Support for Students
  14.1 Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS) 55
  14.2 Graduate School Platform  55
  14.3 Student Advisory System 55
  14.4 University Library 56
  14.5 Language training 56
  14.6 Independent Learning Centre 56
  14.7 Information Technology Services Centre 57
  14.8 Student services and student activities 57
  14.9 Student hostels  57
  14.10 Student association 58
  14.11 University Health Service  58
  14.12 Other cultural/recreational/sports facilities and services 58
  14.13 Safety and environmental issues  59
Sources of information contained in this Code of Practice       60