Teaching Development Grants
The University Grants Committee (UGC) introduced the Teaching Development Grants (TDG) in 1994-95 to provide funding support to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in local institutions. The introduction of the TDG enhances the University’s overall efforts in improving teaching and learning quality. At the individual staff level, it provides an impetus for initiating and experimenting new ideas on and approaches to achieving better quality of teaching and learning.

Since its introduction in 1994-95, the TDG has been used to support projects to promote innovative and improved methods of teaching at both the University-wide and faculty/department levels. List of the projects together with detailed project information funded by the TDG for the 2005-08 triennium, 2008-09 roll-over year, 2009-12 triennium, 2012-15 triennium, 2015-16 roll-over year and 2016-19 triennium are provided in the respective pages.

Call for Applications - Grant Scheme for Internationalization of Curriculum (Supported by the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant 2019-22)

Application Form and Guidance Notes