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General Forms

Auto-Pay (Company) Authorization Form ( PDF English / PDF Icon Chinese )
Auto-Pay (Individual) Authorization Form - non CU staff ( PDF English / PDF Icon Chinese )
Authorization and Approval Log Form (07/2017) ( PDF PDF Format / Excel Excel Format )
Staff Funding Source Transfer Form (12/2020) new ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Staff Funding Source Transfer - Examples new ( PDF PDF Format )

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Academic Equipment Grant

Academic Equipment Grant Submission Form (03/2021)new ( PDF PDF Format / Excel Excel Format )
Academic Equipment Grant Submission ¡V Terms and Conditions new ( PDF PDF Format )

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Business Unit

Acknowledgement of having read and understood purchasing guidelines (BUS21(PR)-11/20) NEw ( PDF PDF Format )
Asset Disposal Form (BUS02AD 03/21) new ( PDF PDF Format )
Asset Transfer Form (BUS03AT 03/2019) ( PDF PDF Format )
Consultation Form with EMO in Cases of Using Contractors Arranged Directly by Departments - Refurbishment Works/Equipment & Furniture Installations ( PDF PDF Format )
Guidelines for the University Credit Card / Credit Card Payment Voucher (Rev 12/2018) ( PDF PDF Format )
Dispatch list of Official Mail ( PDF PDF Format )
Declaration of Conflict of Interest (03/2021) New ( PDF PDF Format )
Form#3 for Equipment Purchase Over HK$500,000 ( PDF PDF Format )
Forms for Request for Quotation (RFQ) (03/2021) New ( PDF PDF Format )
Forms for Request for Quotation (RFQ) – Two Envelope System (03/2021) New ( PDF PDF Format )
Forms for Tender Invitation (02/2021) New ( PDF PDF Format )
Invitation to Quote and Quotation Form (BUS23QQF 06/17) ( PDF PDF Format )
Portable Expensed Electronic Equipment (PEEE) Form (07/2019) ( PDF PDF Format )
Questionnaire for Microcomputer System Unit Purchases V.201901 ( PDF PDF Format )
Quotation Sheet (BUS09QS 10/2016) ( PDF PDF Format )
Record of monthly random checking of goods purchased (BUS22PR 03/10) ( PDF PDF Format )
Report on Sub-standard Goods/Services Supplied by Vendors ( PDF PDF Format )
Requisition for Direct Purchase Order (Rev 12/2018) ( PDF PDF Format )
Undertaking of Tender Supporting Personnel (Rev 11/2020) New ( PDF PDF Format )

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Funding Model System

Production application login form for the Funding Model System (07/2018) ( Word Word Format )
Caps for Overseas Travelling and Official Entertainment Expenses ( Excel Excel Format )

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Minor Works Funding Request

Minor Works Funding Request Form ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Minor Works Funding Request Form Appendix II ¡V Cost Estimates ( PDF PDF Format / Excel Excel Format )
Minor Works Funding Request Form Appendix III ¡V Endorsement for Minor Works Application ( PDF PDF Format / Excel Excel Format )
Minor Works Funding Request Form Appendix IV – Energy Saving Designs and Measures for E&M System ( PDF PDF Format )

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Payment Voucher

Application for Financial Support for Overseas Travelling Expenses (01/2020) ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )

Contract for Service Request Form (CFS-A-12-2018)

( PDF PDF Format )
Template of Contract for Service Agreement (CFS-B-09-2018) ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )

Interdepartmental Transfer Form

( PDF PDF Format / Excel Excel Format )

Nomination Form for Category (A) Academic Visits (06/2020)

( Word Word Format )

Nomination Form for Category (B) Academic Visits (06/2020)

( Word Word Format )

Payment Voucher (04/2019)

( PDF PDF Format )

Petty Cash Payment Voucher

( PDF PDF Format )

Reimbursement / Payment for Entertainment Expenditure Form (01/2021) New

( PDF PDF Format )

Research Studentship Payment Form

( PDF PDF Format )

Undergraduate Student Research Studentship Payment

( PDF PDF Format )

List of Payment via Bank Deposit

( Excel Excel Format )

Telegraphic Transfer form

( Word Word Format )

Timesheet for CUHK student helper (Applicable before 9/2017)

( PDF PDF Format )

Log sheet for Non-local student working in CUHK (CPDC, OSA)

( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )

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Payroll & Staff Benefits

Payroll Payment Instruction Form (BO/PAY1(7/2020)) ( PDF PDF Format )
Regulations and procedures governing the reimbursement of local travelling expenses (effective from 1 April 2020) ( PDF PDF Format )
Standard Mileages and Tunnel Fees for mileage claims to/from CUHK/PWH ( PDF PDF Format )
Reimbursement of local travelling expenses claim form (BO/PAY2 (04/2020)) new ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Staff Loan Application Form (01/2021) ( PDF English / PDF Chinese )
Staff Loan Notice of Repayment Form (01/2021) ( PDF English / PDF Chinese )
Form for Application of Direct Payment for In-patient Service at PWH ( PDF PDF Format )
Overtime Assignment Form (For Department¡¦s / Unit¡¦s internal record) ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Overtime Allowance Claim Form (For submission to PSU for payment) ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
heading Request for Change of Payment Details for Overtime Allowance new ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Claim Form for Honorarium for Outside Engagement ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Claim Form for Standby Allowance / Typhoon or Extreme Condition or Black Rainstorm Warning Allowance / Extended Service Allowance ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Form PTPF(B) – Request for Payment to P/T Hourly-rate Staff based on Actual Time Involvement (12/2016) ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Form PTPF(D) – Request for Change of Payment Details for Hourly-Rated Part-time Staff (04/2016) ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Investment Options Re-allocation Instruction for Staff Superannuation Scheme (1995)  
MPF Membership Enrolment Form ( PDF FRMT / PDF AGI )
Arrangement for / Change of Voluntary Contribution for Employee Form ( PDF FRMT / PDF AGI )
MPFS - Form for Checking / Clearance of Exemption Status (02/2021) new ( PDF English / PDF Chinese )
Reimbursement for Consultation Fee at Chinese Medicine's Clinic Form ( PDF English / PDF Chinese )
Reimbursement for Accident and Emergency Service Fee Form ( PDF English / PDF Chinese )
Tax Reporting for Cessation of Employment (e-Form) ( PDF English / PDF Chinese )
MPF Exempted ORSO Scheme -
Member Minimum MPF Benefit Transfer Form
( PDF PDF Format )
Request for MPF fund transfer - MPF(S)-P(M) Form ( PDF PDF Format )
Guidance Notes on Awarding Bonus Under the Performance-linked Reward Scheme ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Special Funding Arrangement for Bonus Payment ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )

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Receipt Voucher

Debit Note Issuance Voucher Form (03/2017) ( PDF PDF Format )
Receipt Voucher Form (03/2017) ( PDF PDF Format )

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Self-financed Programmes

Budget Proposal for New Self-financed Degree and PgDip programme (i.e. Category 1 Programme) ( Excel Excel Format )
Budget Proposal for New Self-financed Sub-degree programme (i.e. Category 2 Programme) ( Excel Excel Format )
Budget Proposal for New Self-financed Non-award bearing programme (i.e. Category 3 Programme) ( Excel Excel Format )
Tuition Fee for Self-financed Degree and PgDip programme (i.e. Category 1 Programme) 2020-21 ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Tuition Fee for Self-financed Sub-degree, Professional and Continuing Education programme (i.e. Category 2 Programme) 2020-21 ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Tuition Fee for Self-financed Non-award-bearing programme (i.e. Category 3 Programme) 2020-21 ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Special Accrual Form for Self-financed Programmes ( Excel Excel Format )
Transfer of Application Fee Form for Self-financed Programmes ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )

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Addition /Cancellation of IDD Calling Card Form ( PDF PDF Format )
BEA Internet Gateway - Application Form For Opening Merchant Account (Merchant Account Application Form) ( PDF PDF Format )
BEA Internet Gateway - Merchant Account Maintenance Form ( PDF PDF Format )
BEA Merchant Cyberservice Application Form ( Word Word Format )
CUSAP E-Workflow Administrator Authorization Form (12/2020) new ( PDF PDF Format / Excel Excel Format )
CUSAP E-Workflow Departmental Settings Request Form - Purchasing (07/2020) ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
CUSAP E-Workflow Departmental Settings Request Form - Payment (03/2021) new ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
CUSAP E-Workflow Departmental Settings Request Form - Invoicing and Receipt (07/2020) ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Hang Seng Bank Limited - Mail Order Authorization Code Request Form ( Word Word Format )
HSBC Securemail User Guide ( PDF PDF Format )
IDD Charges Reallocation Form (12/2020) new ( Excel Excel Format )
List of Goods/Services Received/Rendered On/Before 30 June 2020 But the Invoices are Not Available to be Presented to Finance Office for Payment by 3 July 2020 ( Excel Excel Format )
Notification Form For New / Demolished / Conversion Building(s) (06/2017) ( PDF PDF Format )
Octopus Usage Log Sheet new ( Excel Excel Format )
Points to note for BEA Merchant Account ( PDF PDF Format )
Programme Administrative Service Form ( Word Word Format )
Record of Duty Trip ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Special Arrangement for Tuition Fee (07/2018) ( PDF PDF Format / Word Word Format )
Ticket Record Sheet ( PDF PDF Format )
Undertaking Form for Disapproved Expenditure Application ( PDF PDF Format )

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