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Today, only Lung’s family members, colleagues from Golden Age Music and a few acquaintances know the real identity of this mysterious person. Lung is very careful in her daily life. She puts on her mask even when she goes to the lavatory at her company. Whenever Lung has to attend an event, she changes into her costume at her company offices before going out.

Lung now has three sets of costumes with similar designs, so that she can alternate. But she says she is not going to change the style of her costumes or add variety to her masks.

She is aware that some netizens have denigrated her image, using words like “terrorist” and “Taliban”. Other critics have said that her disguise is another way to play to the gallery. While she argues that she hides her identity because she wants the public to focus on her music, she cannot stop people from immediately thinking of her hidden identity or viewing it as gimmick.

Despite the criticism, Lung sees no need to reveal her identity now. “So what if you know who I am? I choose to sing in a mask and I hope the people who like my music will respect my choice,” Lung says. She is touched by her die-hard fans who appear at every show even though they never seen the real face of their idol.

For now, she enjoys her anonymity as it can guarantee her privacy and freedom. Unlike other artists, she can still go shopping in Mongkok unrecognised.

Lung is looking forward to a day when she can take off her mask. She says this day will come when the majority of people understand my intention of wearing this mask is not a gimmick. “I want to see the audience understand the messages conveyed behind the songs and appreciate the hard work of musicians,” she says.

From her job in the classroom to her role on the stage, Lung is motivated by the same principles. She asserts that singers shoulder an important responsibility. “If singers do something positive, teenagers will be influenced and receive positive messages, and vice versa,” she says.

Lung’s songs cover teenagers’ problems and concerns, like pressure in public exams and compensated dating. She also feels obliged to back up her words with actions. She says that is why she attended the anti-national education rally outside government headquarters in September.

“If we do not dare to express our views right now, we will lose the chance to do so in the future,” says Lung.  She was even more eager to show up and share her views with youngsters after seeing some artists were being forced to shut up.

Behind the mask, the teacher and the singer share the same vision.


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