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Kudos to CUHK Inventor

Prof. Jiang Peiyong elected senior member of the National Academy of Inventors

Prof. Jiang Peiyong of the Department of Chemical Pathology has been elected a senior member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) in recognition of his inventive work in producing technologies that have the potential to make a real impact on the welfare of society. Professor Jiang is the first scholar from a Hong Kong institution to receive this senior membership.

Professor Jiang felt deeply honoured to be elected a senior member of NAI. He said, ‘This honour from NAI, an internationally renowned academic organization, is a prestigious recognition and encouragement to me and my team.’

With a multidisciplinary background in genomics, bioinformatics, computational biology and statistics, Professor Jiang has a long-standing research interest in next generation sequencing-based bioinformatics data analysis as well as its clinical applications such as non-invasive prenatal testing and cancer detection. He is a co-inventor in more than 60 granted patents.